Not my best, but had a sweet sky so I pulled over and snapped a few HDR's with the super dirty wrecked cav.
Update on the car also:
Custom mounts from OEM should be ready for the test run this week, so I hopefully will have those on by the weekend.
Have to wait on a state adjuster to come out and look at the damage before I can drop it off at the body shop, so looks like I will be wrecked a little longer.
Going to pickup a pile of parts sometime this week for the car. Ill post when I get them.
Found my new paint, however this wont go on until July.
I love it. everytime you post pics. you fire me up on the wheels. car looks good! will be even better once its done.
LOVE IT! Now come here and take pics of my car
Haha thanks!
Eco Id be more than happy too, You cover the travel expenses?!?
4th pic looks awesome. other than that clean car.
You should create one thread and put all your damn photos in there instead of creating a new thread every other day.
2002 Yellow Cavalier LS Sport
Check it out! -->
i don't know why people always complain on here about pictures. Its a damn j-body who cares how many times he posts
always a fan.
last pic is the best. rims look staggered in this one for some reason...
Needing 2.3 oil pump stuff? PM me...
Might be because the rear is not all the way down, I tried to set it up evenly, so the bottom of the car was level. I like it this way better. Hopefully it will sit like that when I put struts on it.
what struts do you plan on using? jeffy (20sn22s) got nissan hardbody struts on his..
Im using KYB OEM style with Modified mounts. Should work perfect.
did u get the oem mounts on yet? cool pics.
Nope, not yet still waiting on the test pair. I AIM'ed him today with no reply. He mentioned he was busy, hopefully soon.
are you ever going to shoot normal pics agin lol? im not saying its a bad thing
i really want to learn how to take these kind of pictures....
Not really, I love HDR, its exactly what I was looking for in a photo. However things like car shows and snapshots will still be normal. Each RAW HDR comes out to around 45MB each before combined, So it eats up some HD space. 1.5Tb External here I come!
As for lens flare, do you have any sort of filters over your Lens?
2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
Only my polarizer, which I know will create 1-2 additional rings of flare. Looks like I cant avoid the flare when shooting directly into the sun.
All I got to say very nice work, Pics look outstanding
keep up the good work
Great pics man, love it!!