Well I got working on my 086 head. I decided not to port the exhaust port to much. So its just a small port and polish. But I did sharpen up the splits.
Lots of work and time than you think! After a few beers and two days of working this is where im at so far.
Its not perfect but it came out good!
Exhaust port
Intake ports
Plus I was limited to the tools that I had after I used up what I had and I was on a budget. So I had to improvise
GMR has got nothing on this
Nice work...but ouch on the tools at hand.
What grit rolls were you using on the intake?
Project Resurrection is in full swing!
Same you see there in the pic.
GMR has got nothing on this
Looks pretty solid, the knife edging could be much more knifey though. Still, solid action.