i always knew cavaliers were good for something...
just could never put my finger on what until now.
I'm tired of wasting my time... now I'm breakin' free.
traction control was cool
would look better with my wheels still
and i think a story is needed with this
arrival_04_eco (green98cav) wrote:would look better with my wheels still and i think a story is needed with this
I have to agree. I wanna hear this!
ur J is dirtier than mine sir. lol
JBOK.org / J-Bodies of Kentucky
Looks like you went to a JBOM BBQ on a rainy day, lol.
JBO Veteran
I used to live down a dirt road, used to this @!#$.
Ruined the factory paint in no time too.
My mom broke her knee cap a couple weeks ago and had surgery last week. school just ended and i dont have a regular job yet (work 1 day a week) so ive been staying up there helping her.
this is the end of her "driveway"
not to worried if i got stuck, had one of these if i needed it.
picture of leg if interested
no code click if you want to see it