Well I had a whole bunch of pics from the JCO bash including some of my car, but I accidentlly deleted them from my memory card but I do have some on internal memory.
Well after bringing my car to shows for the past three years I finally got my first trophy for the car
I recieved 1st place 3rd gen mild, I also one a trophy for spl for the third time in a row 1st place mild 140.4 db
These will probally be the last pics of the car until after it gets repainted, it will be staying black but with blue pearl. Also hopefully by then my top dash pad, door panel and rear panels will be fiberglassed, along with the b pillers getting wrapped in cf and possibly the toyo mirrors being wrapped in cf
Love the car. Congrats on the trophies.
What kind of blue peal do you plan on using? I'd recommend ice blue pearl from hok. Either put it in an inter coat or in the first layer of the clear coat. Check out
http://www.houseofkolor.com/hok/speedshapes/speedshapes_pearls.jsp to see some cool effects from hok. The ice blue speed shape has a lot of it used to show an example but if you toned it down some it would look amazing.
Here's an example of the white ice pearl used:
Feels good after all the hard work you put in, don't it?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, June 07, 2009 9:48 PM
JBO Veteran
Nice good job
Last pic in the backround a cavalier is getting towed lol
Chopper Suit wrote:LarryMartin830 wrote:Nice good job
Last pic in the backround a cavalier is getting towed lol
Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!
Bhirst: Thanks for the info I will keep it in mind
Kevin Richter: For sure man it feels great that all the hard work has payed off
Thanks to everyone for the comments
Congrats buddeh! looking good.
Good job man, car deserved it. Very nice and clean.
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
Nice pics man and congrats
The car being towed is Micah's, blew the tranny 2nd year in a row
Thanks everybody, the comments mean a lot