lol yah right on the price.
Let's see....
Played out Type J kit---Check
Tacky useless roof scoop---Check
Gay, disgusting paint job---Check
@!#$ty mismatched interior---Check
But I do like the rims...BUY BUY BUY!!!
at least it comes with air fresheners.
Haha I was thinking the same thing...
Trevor Blesh wrote:Let's see....
Played out Type J kit---Check
Tacky useless roof scoop---Check
Gay, disgusting paint job---Check
@!#$ty mismatched interior---Check
But I do like the rims...BUY BUY BUY!!!
/\/\/\ You forgot
Amazingly hidious and useless spoiler---Check
Mass amounts of air fresheners in cup holder---Check
Bad mounting/ wiring of whatever you want to call the greenthing---Check
I do agree about the rims!!!1!1!!!
Man thats a pretty sweet arospeed body kit. I could've swore that was a type J kit but I guess I was wrong.
I just threw up in my mouth....ALOT!!
Pronunciation: \män-ˈsträ-sə-tç\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural mon·stros·i·ties
Date: 15th century
1. a: a malformation of a plant or animal b: something deviating from the normal : freak
2. the quality or state of being monstrous
3. a: an object of great and often frightening size, force, or complexity b: an excessively
bad or shocking example
this car
“Please do not be cynical. I hate cynicism. Nobody gets in life exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard, and you’re kind, amazing things will happen.” Conan O'Brien
only useful part on the entire car are the rims.
I like the rims, body kit and the two tone is not that bad IMO but the flames ruin that
the sad part is, if u look at very specific parts of the car its not bad. The type J kit has appeal to some, the spoiler isnt bad if u like spoilers, the paintjob would be nice if it didnt have the flames, the seats are nice, the rims are decent, not my cup of tea but nice nonetheless, but i mean come on... the color coordination and overall look is DISGUSTING!
That paint job was inspired from .. wait for it.. regurgitated skittles
great value for money..