sinner wrote:who did your evil eyes?
CLC wrote:That roof rack isn't attached!
Don't lie
Aetsh wrote:
..In the pics, its just mocked up for fit, gonna get a fairing (wind deflector) and a snowboard and bike mounts, and get it on for real in the next week or two...
sinner wrote:werd to yo mutha he did! i shall be contacting him promptly. gotta say, besides the spoiler that i have hated from the day of the sunfire inception...and the deer dent..i like your car. simple, dark, and krafty. like what bat man would drive if he didnt have any money. kinda like!
LarryMartin830 wrote:i really don't like sunfires exp 03+ but i like this one
what kinda cb?
Fox-02 Ecotec- wrote:someone please make a site called so people can shut the crap up about it on here and get back to J-Bods.
the wheels look good for a DIY job!
Mr.Cavy254 wrote:yeah this roof rack fad is.............................. idk what to say
Brad (joining JBOShortBus) wrote:Mr.Cavy254 wrote:yeah this roof rack fad is.............................. idk what to say
Hi, I've had racks on each of my cars, as I ride bikes and snowboard..I'd have a cooler and a keg up there if I was using it as a "fad" or for attention. Thanks
1straitcavy ... wrote:Evil eyes ftmfw!!!
Mr.Cavy254 wrote:yeah this roof rack fad is.............................. idk what to say
Whats the problem when people actually use them? Just because I'm on this site, doesn't mean I can't have a active lifestyle? You ever try stuffing multipal bikes and snowboards in a J-body? Yeah, it sucks.
Bleco.22 wrote:Wow, that's a huge rack you got there.!
Why thank you for noticing
HoppinTRD wrote:I wish I had more hands cause Id give that rack 4 thumbs down.
As stated, I use the rack, and really don't care. Thanks
JLAudioCavalier wrote:Or maybe these people have bikes and boards and skis? Or it's just another fad... yeah definitely...s eyes*
JLAudioCavalier wrote:Or maybe these people have bikes and boards and skis? Or it's just another fad... yeah definitely...s eyes*
CLC wrote:JLAudioCavalier wrote:Or maybe these people have bikes and boards and skis? Or it's just another fad... yeah definitely...s eyes*
Sorry If I was into fads I'd get a honda hahaha
Thank ya Dustin I do bike which people don't get,
which Aetsh boards too, correct?
People need to shut the hell up, more the others about the roof racks lol
Get some updated pics brahhh