I put an AEM cold air into my 03 a couple of days ago, sounds/ feels good.
I also put an AUX In device in while i had my bezel out for paint.
I hope Mr.higgins can find it in him to start respecting my car! =P
looks sweet,
need more modz.. ASAP son!
lower,tint,accent little things in the engine bay accordingly.
Built&Boosted moar
04 Cavalier Turbo r.i.p my baby
2nd place 2009 GM tuner bash qwick 8--holla
Im working on the mods slowly but surely. Ive been debating engine accent styles. I like CF but it makes my wallet cry.
Ill post em as they go in!
be careful w/ your battery being that close to the pipe! that stereo cap or w/e it is looks pretty close already!
enjoy the sound, and i like the bezel!
WiGM-Tuners member.
I never said anything about respecting your car. Still these mods do not help the outside and the downsyndrome either.
FU Tuning
The battery cap is well protected now. Learned that the hard way after all these years of digital electronics lol
Clean your engine bay....
otherwise nice start
M62, 42's, ZZP 3", ZZP S3 H/E
214whp 190wtq
I know i know. Previous owner slacked in that area.
Suggestions on an accent color? Would silver be too much?
dark grey.
Stand in the corner and SCREAM with me!!!!
What was the aux unit and does it work with the stock headunit? Mine has an aux button but nothing happens when I push it...
I love that bezel thats exactly what i wanted to do to mine! good job man!
z yaaaa wrote:dark grey.
I like this. Im gonna learn how to wrap CF lol. Save me a couple bucks.
Hypnotized wrote:I love that bezel thats exactly what i wanted to do to mine! good job man!
Thanks! Just rattle can it the right way and it'll turn out fine.
J H wrote:What was the aux unit and does it work with the stock headunit? Mine has an aux button but nothing happens when I push it...
Thread jack, but its the PAC AAIGm-24. Ebays got em for 75 bucks shipped by a great seller. Works with the stock unit.