well someone decided to do a little hit and run action on me while i was at work and that was delightful to come out to so decided to take a trip to the yard. came home with a few goodies and changed the cav up a bit (yes again) so here a the pics. got the front for 30 bucks was a good day at the yard
hit >.>
new front
new tails
as always C&C welcome
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, April 20, 2010 8:26 PM
ouch! looks really good now!

Sig thanks to bxmobkrazey on gmscf.com
i think it looks more like a batmobile now lol o and added this
yes the front is dirty already >.> paint hasnt faded yet lol
I think I prefer the other front more. I was never really a fan of the 00-02 non-gt Sunfire front ends. But I do like the tails.
looks much better with that front on it! i like
Needs paint
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
ya it will have paint eventually
i like the old one as well as this one, the 95-00 bumper looks like a mouth and it really sets the eyelids off, but the 00-02 bumper has those "nostrils' in the front that's equally sinister looking in the hot rod semi-gloss
plans are new sides and i have a WW avenger rear waiting to go on as well. should be done eventually and painted by the end of the year. i was thinking about a set of gt sides but wasnt so sure on them
TheSundownFire (GME Chat) wrote:I see a resemblance:

haha now that you mention it lol thats too funny. i really wanted the 00+ front with the fogs but this was my second choice seeing as how the other one is way harder to find.
Too bad you live so far away.....
I have a sweet BRAND NEW 95-99 Sunfire GT bumper sitting here I would let go pretty cheap...

Supercharged 2002 Cavalier Z24
J-Body Bash Veteran
Kevin Richter wrote:Too bad you live so far away.....
I have a sweet BRAND NEW 95-99 Sunfire GT bumper sitting here I would let go pretty cheap...

LOL Looks like my garage. I have 3 extra bumpers laying around to . And the 1 rear I have is a type j
if 30 bucks would be your cheap price then i would have done it if you were closer lol. but o well
I have some Wings West Type-W Sides if you're interested.
ecotecpower wrote:
LOL Looks like my garage. I have 3 extra bumpers laying around to . And the 1 rear I have is a type j
Those are in the basement, I have 3 more extra ones in the garage. lol
Furious 2.2 wrote:if 30 bucks would be your cheap price then i would have done it if you were closer lol. but o well
Was thinking more like $65, after all it IS Brand New...retail is $229.00 LOL

Supercharged 2002 Cavalier Z24
J-Body Bash Veteran
hey Kevin....what you want for the 00-02 front bumper i spy in the picture?? seeings as i cant find a 02 lss lip to save my life for under 150 dollars i need to consider different front ends

RIP JESSE GERARD.....7.11.87/1.25.08(sunfireboi)
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Warning: Don't ever wish harm On an Ohio state player you Douche canoe...
Expires: Sunday, October 10, 2010 6:47 AM PT
Zenith wrote:I have some Wings West Type-W Sides if you're interested.
If scott dont take em, i will gladly pick em up depending on price
ya i know i picked this one up for 30 bucks and i like it so thanks anyways for the offer i prob would have done that if you lived closer. and zenith i think you have my number shoot me a txt with some pics
ok so ive heard alot about the front what do y'all think of my tails??
completely shave the trunk is my opinion

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