looking good man... never seen anyone use a cobalt ss muffler tho... does it flow well???
thanks and for your question, Yes he have a bette flow and it is not the only reason for why I use a cobalt ss muffleur it is for the sound to
Awww...I was gonna vote for zoomies! lol
Great work so far!
nice clean install, i like the low tones that the cobalt... maybe you could post a snipit of sound? i'm curious
Damn that header's tight in there! Very nice!

M62, 42's, ZZP 3", ZZP S3 H/E
214whp 190wtq
Nice work on the car.

Hahn Stage II - Mitsu TD06-20g |3" Turbo-back Exhaust | 61mm Bored TB |
HP Tuners | Innovate WB02 | Spec Stage 3 | Team Green LSD | TurboTech Upper | Full Addco Sways | Sportlines & Yellows |
Nice work,, sounds like a go kart.. note to self : turn down volme LOL
nice work on the header.. and also good choice on the meth kit same one i have i believe AEM 30-3000? and just a tip after you test it initially (they say to put water in it and let the pump get get all the dust and whatnot out of it), after you get past the sending unit you will have to drain the water, i had mine all bolted in and had to siphon the water out, if you test this before you bolt it in it will save you alot of hassle.