oh my my. not bad, brother.
whens the install?
180hp in 1989 or 145hp in 2002, you decide. >
Thanks! Unfortinatly due to my convertible top costing double what it was supposed to it won't be until atleast september until I can afford to finish the head, header, install power steering hex, and cut valve pockets.
But hopefully it'll be in the car by the end of october.
im definitely going to be sending delta work at some point.
i wonder if they might get a new machine so they have more grinds available...
180hp in 1989 or 145hp in 2002, you decide. >
Yeah that machine really limits things but they were really quick about it once I talked to them. I'm thinking if they got a better machine it'd drive up the prices tho.
yea i guess thats true. your right.
oh well. im sure .439/.215 will be a nice grind. its too bad though, ive got a crane .430/.222 intake cam that i need a mate for. it woulda been awesome to grind an HO out to that spec to have a set...
180hp in 1989 or 145hp in 2002, you decide. >
That's the same grind I was hoping for lol.
.430/222 is a very nice cam.

Always regretted selling them. AT least they have a new home that is putting them to use.
Cant wait to use these bad boys.