I thought I'd post up pics of my car and its progression over the last couple yrs. this is the one out of my 9 that I've owned that I'm the most proud of, and has come the closest to what I'd call done
February 2009 when I bought her (bad fuel pump and supposedly had a bad knock)
I sold my old Cavalier to a friend, and he hated the exhaust on it. I loved it.. he loved the exhaust on this car, so we went to my exhaust guy had halved out the total price of the swap
gave her a good detail about a week after I got it running. also added my carbon tails and Police Interceptor badge
over the course of like, 2 weeks, I swapped my Type J skirts out for Razzi skirts (hence why the door strikes werent on in the older pics), traded my gunmetal 17s for these black 18s, traded my OEM-style ViS carbon hood for an Invader-style, traded stock corner lenses for clear ones, got a set of RKSport coilovers, and found a Wings West Commando wing for $100, including the trunk. both had just been painted black the month prior
the newest pics, taken back in the fall when she went down her for Ecotec swap
I take that back, I do have a pic from after the swap. I had just washed it, and for some reason, I had a bunch of crap dripped down the intercooler.. no idea..
unfortunately, all the bugs with the turbo set up havent been worked out yet, but its getting close. ordering the parts for exhaust and gonna try to set up some HPTuners love in the next week or so. from there, new wheels are on the horizon as well as getting the body kit repainted so it looks as clean as the shell of the car

R.I.P. JessE Gerard 7.11.87 - 1.25.08
The Radiation Nation Facebook Twitter Twisted Metal Alliance
2 things i dont like on this car....the new spoiler, go back to the stock one....and the rear bumper seems to stick out far,but maybe that's just from the pics
Otherwise looks really good
i love the pearl but would have to agree with 95lscoupe.
I dont consider hating, just different tastes
I like the paint color. It's very nice.
Torres @ The Barcode Magazine wrote:i love the pearl but would have to agree with 95lscoupe.
I dont consider hating, just different tastes
Agree with you Mike.
This is why girlfriends should stay out of their mans business.
FU Tuning
SynthAngel wrote:95LsCoupe wrote:2 things i dont like on this car....the new spoiler, go back to the stock one....and the rear bumper seems to stick out far,but maybe that's just from the pics
haters gonna hate....
Sooo just because he has a difference of opinion he is a "hater" He posted his pictures on a public forum, people get critizied or praised for their pictures. Get over it!
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
Well this thread looks like its going to turn into a soap opera pretty quick so I'll get a word in while I still can. Its nice to see somebody rocking a kit on here. I haven't seen a lot of posts with the type j lately. I'm glad you got rid of the other wheels. They were killing the aggressive look. I also like how the razzi skirts match up with the rest of the kit. It seems like you got a lot of good deals too. Make sure to update when you get the turbo set up ironed out.
lol, calm down guys, shes just being a good gf. I dont consider it hating it at all, hell he said he thinks it looks good otherwise, so I take no offense. the thing about the wing, is that the stock one went to a buddy of mine. that and I've had love for the Commando wing for yrs and yrs now. and the rear bumper, IMO, looks better than most of the aftermarket ones you see... like the Park Bench, aka, the Bomex rear. now THAT bastard sticks out far
I know that kits have been slowly making their way out the door over the past few yrs, but I've always loved the Type J. and with the turbo set-up, the front is actually functional. now for a clean look, I got the sedan for that.. full LSS kit with the RK lip. pictures in the future

R.I.P. JessE Gerard 7.11.87 - 1.25.08
The Radiation Nation Facebook Twitter Twisted Metal Alliance
the lemur wrote:Well this thread looks like its going to turn into a soap opera pretty quick so I'll get a word in while I still can. Its nice to see somebody rocking a kit on here. I haven't seen a lot of posts with the type j lately. I'm glad you got rid of the other wheels. They were killing the aggressive look. I also like how the razzi skirts match up with the rest of the kit. It seems like you got a lot of good deals too. Make sure to update when you get the turbo set up ironed out.
You read my mind, we should stay on topic while we can! My personal opinion is that the car looks great even though I never could get into that front bumper. The side skirts and the rear tie in very well and for some reason Im liking that spoiler but ONLY ON THIS CAR. Great job at pulling it off bro.
hehe, thanks man. I appreciate it

I saw the skirts on JHand's car and was really digging the smoothed profile with no side moldings, and put the image in my head of those skirts with my bumpers and thought it'd tie in well. and I hate the Type J skirts anyway.. they even burned me, cause when I pulled them off, the passenger side must have gotten a rock lodged into that porthole cause there is a nasty gouge in the paint behind where the skirt was. between that and the dings in the upper rear quarter from where a tree limb fell on it, I'm gonna just redo the whole passenger side quarter panel in the future. after the kit is painted, I wont have enough to do the Toyota fenders or Bomex mirrors, so I'll just get enough paint for them and the quarter
oh, and Lemur.. about the wheels. the black ones in the pics are gone, since I owed a friend money and he wanted the rims. but I'm either trying to get THE HATED ONE's Axis Mod7s or I found those same black wheels (Kyowa KR-Evolves in case anyone was wondering), but they are available in a staggered fitment - 8" in the front, 9" wide in the back. this car's main purpose is autocross/touring, so a wider wheel in the back makes sense to me. when the kit is painted and I get the wheels, my gf is gonna do a photoshoot with it and our sedan. I'm excited

R.I.P. JessE Gerard 7.11.87 - 1.25.08
The Radiation Nation Facebook Twitter Twisted Metal Alliance
Oh boy what have i started...
Clearing this up, I wasn;t hating...it was my opinion....he likes it so it's on his car, but you wont catch my car like that is all im saying..to each their own
Now children. Pay attention. This is how a kitted car should be done. Clean but different.
I've made love to this vehicle. (evan, you were turned away ;p )
Never been a fan of the type J but I like it.
Can't say I have seen this one though.. I have seen pics of the purple one. That is a wild color haha
yea, I had the purple one back when I used to go to every club meet there was.. when we had them on a monthly basis lol. and Jess loves the camera, and made every meet into a photo shoot, which no one can complain about cause she's good at what she does. I got black one after the scene started to die down, and I dont have a camera myself. all those pics were taken with my phone. the first 3 on the trailer with my old @!#$ty Boost phone at that, as you can see by the graininess of it. I do intend to have her at the Bash this yr, if thats even still going down
as far as the color on the old one goes, that was a complete accident. it was supposed to be the factory dark purple, but it got mixed wrong. personally, I didnt like it... too girlie. I cant tell you how many guys would roll up next to me at a light with their game face on, only to be horribly disappointed to see my ugly mug lol

R.I.P. JessE Gerard 7.11.87 - 1.25.08
The Radiation Nation Facebook Twitter Twisted Metal Alliance
MUCH better now... but I gotta say, I think the same time every time I see that hatchet guy on a vehicle(and I'm right most of the time unfortunately)..."Oh wow, another worthless white trash loser obsessed with a 'musical group' comprised of a couple of talentless douche bags in clown make up". Sorry Evan, but that sticker just makes you look trashy
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
I've kinda given up defending the Juggalo way of life. the fact of the matter is, I love ICP and have for 19 yrs now. they're just one of those acts where you love them or hate them. it also doesnt help that most of their fanbase are a bunch of @!#$s who make alot of the ones like me look bad

R.I.P. JessE Gerard 7.11.87 - 1.25.08
The Radiation Nation Facebook Twitter Twisted Metal Alliance
Evan Undead (The Black Pearl) wrote:t most of their fanbase are a bunch of @!#$s
Exactly the point I'm making lol. But to say "the Juggalo way of life" just makes you sound like them..... You're saying that being a fan of some "musical" group is a WAY OF LIFE?? Yikes to that dude....
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
Btw, your car looks good.
My favorite pic
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
thanks White, that's actually a favorite of mine too
@Dustin - well that's the way alot of the ppl look at it, and admittedly, about 10-15 yrs ago, so did I. I've obviously grown out of that since, but it's the majority of them that turn others away from ICP, my gf included. but then again, it's not much different than the elitist pricks around here anyway

R.I.P. JessE Gerard 7.11.87 - 1.25.08
The Radiation Nation Facebook Twitter Twisted Metal Alliance
Ev, I love you man,(no homo) but if you ever listen to ICP around me, I will act like I Don't know you.

Just like you won't acknowledge me with some of the music I listen to.
Send me some pics of the purple one, I'm curious.
ha, I was just giving you @!#$ about Linkin Park and your tattoo. I actually like them alot, save for the singles and radio tracks. and as for the clowns, do me a favor; listen to "Bang Pow Boom" and "To Catch A Predator", then tell me that isn't some good @!#$..
as for the people car, I'll post a few pics in here when I get home

R.I.P. JessE Gerard 7.11.87 - 1.25.08
The Radiation Nation Facebook Twitter Twisted Metal Alliance
Aside from the bumper screaming for a repaint... it looks good for a "wild" theme. I think it would look better with blacked out headlights, but that's just personal opinion.
Now get a better camera! lol.