I currently have a hacked up import fighter front on my 02 cav.
I have a second one i am doing up the right way but lately have been thinking that I maybe want to be a bit more subtle and go with the import fighter front lip instead.
First off where do I find one?
Second lets get some pics up of the fighter front and the lip!
Help me decide!
They didnt make just a lip. The ones you will see are cut off the IF bumper.
My bad...after looking online I was thinking of the wings west lip on a 02 front.
Keeping in mind i have a 03 ls rear and will have import fighter sides.
Im also interested in it being as low or lower then the import fighter front.
The lowest lip is def the actual rk lip with fog holes,just not my style. I have the ww nowand love it. Ive had an ls lip, modded if, and a bigmouth and ive stuck with the ww lip the longest. Ill see what pics i have of my different fronts
Curious to see the IF front wth 00-02 eyes =]
And technically you can make an IF lip... it has been done before, with the lower portion of the IF bumper.
Alia5 and jmarks had/have if fronts with '00-'02 lights