Hey guys. Well, a few of you all know me, and since my yellow J I have wanted a vert for some time. I finally got it. And I almost got her to where I want her. Shes a little rough right now, but will shape up as time goes by. But here is the build so far.
The day I got her home:
I was very happy about the way the interior was, and I bought it since she ran pretty good, and was in overall decent shape.
This was the first thing I did to her. Found a guy on here that wanted just the stock front end. He gave me everything, the hood, the streetfire front end, type j sides and type J rear. I installed it, and was waiting for the paint work to do the whole car.
Then found a set of 00 toyo tails, only downside is they were painted silver, but ill take care of that when the car gets painted
Once we got out first big snow I ended up messing up the bumper and bottomed out hard on a side street so I ended up finding a great deal on a complete 03+ Type J kit brand new. So I jumped on it. And she looked like this.

I never installed the new skirts and rear since I didnt want to damage them. Again I was waiting on the complete paint job that I was working towards.
I also came across a great deal on a brand new set of KYB Blues and MR2 Springs. Now I know there not the greatest suspension setups, but they work great for what Im using them for, and at the same time, I drive out to Detroit and met up with Airtonics to buy his wheels off him. Great guy to deal with BTW. So one night I got bored and installed everything! Also picked up a new sound system, 2 Kicker L7's, and a Hifonics Brutus 2000 watt monoblock amp.
Suspension install pics
After suspension install pics

The wheel is up since its ona brick to get it off the jack...

She seems to sit higher in the back, but its okay for me for now.
Well, once we had that huge snowstorm I ended up cracking yet another bumper, and decided to go back to the 00 front and got a Urethane Drift front, and ended up looking like this

<couple decals I put on just because
Well,once I started getting happy with her again, I started to get happy. Then boom, one day driving along, I got hit and pushed into a curb in Chicago heading to my fiancee's house, and I was back at square one. she looked like this

So needlesstosay I damaged yet another bumper altho this one wasnt bad at all. But I said im done with all the damn body kits and just went back to normal, sorta.
I then went and installed a stock 03 front bumper, since I had the 03 hood doing nothing in my back yard, and the headlights in the garage, so I went to that, and just was happy with it. Now I dont have any pictures of that now, but you will understand in a second.
The VERY NEXT DAY after fixing the front end damage, while driving to work, I hear a little knocking. At first I think nothing of it, but when I get to work, I notice its my engine. Yup, you guessed it, my engine spun a bearing. Typical right?? Lol. So now instead of finishing her off, I need to look for a motor. But I said I will not go back to a 2.4. So I got a killer deal on a 05 Malibu Classic from a buddy of mine (900 with 19K complete car that was totaled, so engine and trans is fine). So ECOTEC HERE I COME!!!
So here are the during and after pics of the engine swap. Now im Eco powered and I could not be happier

Just after we got the motor out of the parts/donor car

Header I bought for the new install

WAI intake, but the filter color was wrong and since I never said a color they wouldnt take it back, oh well, ill buy a better one later on.

after removal (best pic I have of the new front)

Its out!!

New engine in
New Header installed:

That took a little bit of getting in there, but it worked

I was very happy!
This is the way she sits right now:
Well, thats it so far. C & C welcome. Yes im going to be getitng her painted very soon. I also am going to be getting the wheels re-powder coated white, as well as new tires. Im done with the body kits, and the different front ends. I still need to finish the box for the subs, and clean up some stuff. But for now, im just enjoying it. I love the 03 front, and I love the car so far again. Yes the engine is painted GM Orange, and I figured why not and did it since the engine was out and I painted the valve cover white for some contrast, it was done just because and Im happy with it

. Oh and no, those heater hoses did not stay that way and now are in fact stock heater hoses. And plus being one of the few Eco swapped verts on here is always a nice thing
