Hahaha I didn't even see this till my buddy texted me about it.
Yes that is me, and yes that is Paul K (silver cav) racing my buddy Matts 3.8S/C Fiero, and that orange cavfire is Jean.
I was actually talking to this Corvette guy in the pits, he was a very nice guy, he had some sort of power programmer on it apparently and a Corsa axle back exhaust. Only his second time ever at the track with it he said, hence the lack luster times.
We actually raced a few times that day, once with me hitting 13.3 to his 13.4 (Why is there no video of that??? LOL), and he was also in my bracket racing class and I put him out in the quater finals (went on to win first place too! I cut better than .151 lights when I'm NOT running test and tune....LOL).
On Saturday I also lined up next to a ZR1 as well, I ran a 8.6 to his 9.3 (only running 1/8 mile that day), that was a funny race as well....no idea what that guy was doing wrong.
Either way, I feel slighly famous right now....haha