People still do "car clubs"?
(tabs) wrote:z yaaaa wrote:its not much fun trying to argue with a wall.
oh, trust us, we know
People still have cars, so yes. :-)
who's silver ls?

2010 Lonestar Bash 2nd place J-Body Street Class
2011 texas heatwave 2nd place american compact street class
I believe the silver one belongs to Donavan, he is not active on here. I miss GMofSA
Um hey man what were those videos supposed to be showing? In both of them both cars lost so not to impressed here lol.
Well the evo had a 30 psi tune and my boy is all stock in his SS.
As for the 370z, they ran,out of room.
GMR has got nothing on this
Shh so I see "car clubs" still street race too...... yup, still a young punk ass thing. Got it.
(tabs) wrote:z yaaaa wrote:its not much fun trying to argue with a wall.
oh, trust us, we know
LOL^ someone needs to get laid and loosen up.
Look son its not a punk ass thing to do. Here locally there is alot of car meets so there is a rep to be kept. But none the less Ive done my time and paid my fines for racing. So I dont street race anymore but if my boys want to im not gonna preach on them. Do wat you want.
We hit the track too and thats where we go all out. Lots of stories to be told there.
GMR has got nothing on this
I can see how it might be funny to the average straight arrow dont break any law kind of person, but we live different worlds. Rep is alot when ur name is out there. Trust me by ur post, pussy would be ur name around here.
GMR has got nothing on this
oh my god, words can't even begin to express the hilarity. Keep going, this is sold gold dude.
(tabs) wrote:z yaaaa wrote:its not much fun trying to argue with a wall.
oh, trust us, we know
game is left untold
GMR has got nothing on this
lol you are a @!#$ retard.
@!#$ you son, u have no idea of the life I live. And just be glad you dont.
GMR has got nothing on this
LMAO oh god I'm cracking up. The true life of a street racer, it's hard on da' streets! Jesus, this is awesome. Don't stop!
(tabs) wrote:z yaaaa wrote:its not much fun trying to argue with a wall.
oh, trust us, we know
Im not no street racer. Lol
GMR has got nothing on this
haha just dont get into those kinds of clubs JL, steer clear of the "tuner" clubs
DOHC_tuner wrote:Im not no street racer. Lol
You got busted for it though? Fast and Furious is real y0!
1994 Saturn SL2 Home Coming Edition: backup car
2002 Chevy Cavalier LS Sport Coupe: In a Junk Yard
1995 Mazda Miata R-package Class=STR
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I like this thread, lmao at Billy Bad Ass and his uber street cred! Hahahahahahahahahaha
DOHC_tuner wrote:@!#$ you son, u have no idea of the life I live. And just be glad you dont.
Oh we know exactly what life you live. Dont mistake us looking down on your pathetic "street cred life" for ignorance.
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Man you white people argue about the dumbest things , smh. There are so many instigators on this board who back each other up...dude just move on you can't win
"IT'S SOOOOOO COLD IN THE D"............