It's been awhile folks, just dropping in to say hi and to peek at some of the new talent, not sure what I'm doing with this car yet as low ballers are swinging me towards the keeping it side.
Nevertheless, I'll be around more as I try to make up my mind as to what the hellski I'm gonna do!
scrim didddly umptousss good sir, tis a beauty man, i vote for keep it as a weekend car, or save it for the kids
Modding my j since I found the org
umm sir tell me how you did your roof for im trying to do mine in c/f as well, plz

2010 Lonestar Bash 2nd place J-Body Street Class
2011 texas heatwave 2nd place american compact street class
interested in cf hood info as well. looks MINT
Ya how did you cf the roof?
The car was sent in to the same place that did the Sky Super Tuner, C/F Tech in Ontario.
They did the chin and roof, the hood was bought from Sound Speed in Toronto, not sure if they're still in business.
CF tech is no more last i heard.
I'd say keep it man, you'll never get what u want for a Cavalier and that roof is INSANE!!! I'd keep it just for those braggin rights lol!!

Skr8 Goodz in tha hood
Thanks guys, I'm leaning that way (keeping it) I will post close up pics of the roof in the spring, she's all covered / sleeping now.
I heard the same about C/F Tech, but I know they still do work on the side.
Cheers guys again for the props!

Buddy Club Ecotec Cavalier
* More to come *
I realy hope cf tec is still going. was planning some things with them...
I need a new sig.
you sir, have a beautiful cavy