Hello all,
My Girlfriend got to experience her first auto accident (well second, she tapped a concrete guardrail on the Malahat a while back). Anyway her 90 Caviler was the lead car in a 3 car accident. No fault of hers and she is thankfully fine, which is the most important thing. Her car was rear ended and then that car was rear ended.
her car suffered a lot of damage, completely trashed rear end, trunk completely smashed, bumper caved in, one broken taillight, and the muffler is going to fall off. As well I noticed the doors were harder to open. On inspection I see there is buckles in the body at the roof. So I am pretty sure that her car will be totaled.
She has to make a appointment with the insurance company (ICBC) to get her car looked at, and as I said I am sure it will be considered a complete loss. And my 85 Cav needs some parts to make it more friendly. And if she gets the option to buy back her car I would like to take advantage of that since I know the car and I would know the condition of the parts. Which in my mind is better than going to a junkyard.
The parts I am specifically looking at are:
The Radiator, I plugged mine but hers would fit I would put it in.
The heater core (my car blows cold air, so I might need a new one)
The power steering pump (my power steering doesn't work)
The headliner and interior light (mine is trashed)
The visors (mine are trashed)
The alternator (I just bought it from Canadian Tire and I want it back
A tire (I don't have a spare, so I was going to take hers)
Also to me BC brethren, anyone dealt with ICBC in this respect? What should my girlfriend expect? How much is a 90 Caviler in reasonably good shape worth? It ran pretty good, in fact we drove it to nearly Idaho about a month ago and it had no problems. I am concerned that ICBC won't give her a fair price in which she can get another Caviler like she had.
Thank you,
A 90 Cavalier even in perfect shape probably somewhere from 1000-2000, theres no such thing as a used car at a fair price
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85