hey what up evryone . this weekend i gona do clear headlights on my 01 sunfire. i was just wonderin what the best material would be . plexiglass? lexan? or acrylic sheets? i work at a heardware store so i can get either one . i just wonderin what the best is . thanks for the info .
dont headlights come clear?
maybe he means clear corners?
Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
In that case buy them off ebay, its not expensive at all.
i think he means how the actual light fixture is not clear on the sunfire.....i.e. you can't see the bulbs....i recently saw one done in the phote/media forum and they used plexiglass i believe. here is the link. I hope thats what you mean.
SUnfire clear headlights.
I have one true love in my life...And my girlfriend sits next to me in it
yeah trhats what i mean . thanks man i gonna go look at it now .
well that link didn't really help . it showed the pic when it was done . but i want to know what size plexiglass and how they did it. is there any instructions anywhere on doing it?
Email "White Boy" and ask him all the questions. I'm sure he will be able to as he just did it......its the same link as above^^^^
I have one true love in my life...And my girlfriend sits next to me in it