Hey everyone
As the subject says, my fan stays on unless I turn it to off. Any ideas?
I don't mind actually switching it to off but I sometimes forget and kill my battery...
any ideas are appreciated.
yeah did you notice if your radio is still on as well? the car keeps some systems on after the car is off for about 5-10 min. next time your out sit in the car and see if it turns itself off after awhile. it should also do it when the door opens.
The radio does stay on until I open the door, but the fan will stay on until I actually turn it off. I have left it on overnight a couple of times and its still on in the morning.
sounds like a bad relay to me that wiould be the first thing i checked its located in the engine compartment fuse box its labeled so no worries there swap it with one of the other ones in the same box , turn the fan on and turn the key off if it goes off voila, stuck relay go get a new one if that doesnt solve the problem you have wiring issues and may want to take it to the dealership for warranty repair remember warranty = free!! do not be afraid to complain you just bought a 14000$ car 2 years ago
"dude, thats a girls car"
my 02 use to do that also but not over nite. it doesnt do it now after i got the computer reflash...
my friends 03 does that. he said its a thing that cools the motor down till it reaches a certain temp, then shuts itself off. if it were me, i wouldnt mind it depending on how long after you shut the car off its running, his runs for roughly 10 minutes.
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