Hi guys! I just found this website today and I am really excited because I love my Cav and I hang out with all guys that drive mitsubishis so it'll be nice to talk about chevys every once in a while. I'm still learning a lot about cars and how to make mine look better...right now all I have done is some audio equip but as soon as I save more money I'll be putting more into the exterior. So hi everyone!
Hola! Feel free to ask anything, but remember, many questions have already been answered and can be found using the search button. ....And don't let stupid people get to ya!
Convert 00+ headlights to 95-99
welcome, and just remember to use the search button and read the FAQ at the top of most of these forums
Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
Welcome, hope you enjoy it here.
hello there sir. hope you have fun.
welcome enjoy and check out the grou purchases if you wanna be even more broke
"dude, thats a girls car"
Welcome! Enjoy your stay.
Welcome- you can't totally get away from mitsubishi's...I gotta galant...lol
www.teamexoticimage.com / myspace.com/02on19s
let the jbo addicition begin.
welcome...enjoy yer stay here...watch out for leg humpers and take what most people say here with a grain of salt....myself included
Not unintentionally accelerating since 2009!!!!
I just found this website too. its pretty bad ass but kinda hard to figure out some times. I was able to get this pic of my 2003 cavalier. someone respond or somthing so i know this works.
Not unintentionally accelerating since 2009!!!!
hey welcome
the GP fourm is a great place to get stuff you need and save a little money.
welcome to the
! its good to see another girl cav owner around here.
john milburn- sorry but i gotta ask your in a import club with a domestic. i would think there would be a few j's out there to hang with.
have fun here its your new drug
"hello there sir. hope you have fun."
umm her name is cavi gal
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/mullett/personal_pic.jpg">
what kind of kit is that and how much was it to get painted and put on??