Hey whats up, I am wanting to paint my car cheaply quickly and still kind look decent , I decided to go with tremlad High Glos black . Just wondering if you thought with a roller for smooth services and high gloos paint i would get a hlf decent finish or at least better then a car painted entirely outta touch up cans form canadian tire. Also I want black to make it all black having it red is to much Heat. Just sme thought and I dont wanna hear if your not gonna do it right, dont do it at all.
if your not gonna do it right, dont do it at all. and sprayin use spray bombs will probably look better then a roller lol
you gotta sand it so the paint can stick.
so by the time you are done sanding it, you'll find out that you ask a stupid question.
You'll then realise than it doesn't cost more than 400$ to paint a car with real car paint and clear. Red cost more but black is cheap.
another thing, 1 month after you "painted" the car with Tremcald, it's going to look like and 20 years old bbq.
You'll be sanding the car for a good 2-3 hours so you'll realise that it's better to do it right.
another thing, it will look like crap with regular paint and everybody will laugh at you for being a cheap @ss.
2.3 Ho
Either way it's going to look like crap! I got my old car painted at Macco for $300 CAD. It looked pretty good, but with the J-body I wouldn't go back to Macco.
One huge aluminum wing - $200
More vinyl graphics than your ride can handle - $150
Decals for products you don’t even have - $10
500lbs of Car Audio equipment in the trunk - $1500
Getting slaughtered by a KIA - Priceless
black paint is going to be hotter than red. Put on a black shirt and go outside in the sun, and then do it with a red. Whatever you do, dont paint your car with a roller or rattle can.
if you're not gonna do it right, don't do it at all
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just go to home depot, buy a few gallons of paint and throw them on your car and have a "finger painting" experience...custom
I was just wanting to do this till I actually get soem cash to get it painted, as I go to school and have very little money right now but still want my car to look not half bad it was just and idea I know it wont look good, I will use spray bombs till I get the cash to really get it painted . But school is sucking all the money out of my wallet so for now its a 60 paint job form canadian tire. Unless some in the collingwood area will paint it for 50 bucks a case of beer and I will buy the paint.
Everytime someone says something about painting their cars with rattle cans I cry........
Just an FYI... the body shop that eventually does repaint your car will HATE the fact you used rattle cans. Rattle can paint never thoroughly dries, even though it may feel that way. I went through
FIVE GRINDER DISCS getting off rattle can paint on an area maybe 2ft by 9"... I coulda whacked the kit that did that in the head...
no offense... but it would probably be best just to let it go until you can get it painted...
Wont they just sand blast the paint off why grind it . To me You going through five grinding discs on a 2 foot space is not the paints fault , i would question your grinding skills.
because you don't sandblast paint unless you're trying to get rid of rust. Sandblast will create a rough surface and it can be a PITA to repair.
2.3 Ho
1. Don't ask questions when you already know the answer, and will not accept the fact that you are wrong. Why ask, if you won't listen??
2. If you want our opinion, it's a unanimous and resounding DON'T DO IT!
3. Angel is right. Any normal paint never fully cures (rattle can, gallon, any of that). That's why it cracks over 15-20 years, it's still curing even then. And it's a PITA to get back off. Unless you hot tank the whole part. I've seen people do this for vintage cars which have been spray painted.
4. If you want to make your own mistakes, then do so. I encourage people to make mistakes. Nothing like learning from experience.
Also, if you don't have money to hook up your car---don't!!! if a $250 Earl Scheib/Maaco paint job is breaking your wallet, then you aren't going to be prepared to do anything else decent either. Keep your car stock and respectable.
<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/pkdTiDb-kdPf_HDyfmy7GOrOdkeUy2ptYquaYUHMJPs?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_vycyMdOjDVs/TQqUHgW0ImI/AAAAAAAAABo/iS19dM4snS4/s800/firesig.jpg" height="169" width="310" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/116733817284633862727/DropBox?authkey=Gv1sRgCMS-wbij1e6GuQE&feat=embedwebsite">Drop Box</a></td></tr></table>
OH GOD this is to good ...... Using a roller to paint a car . Hey nothing says you care about your car than saying it with KRYLON . Don't get cheap at least use spray cans . LOL LMFAO
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