Just wanted to know if it's safe to use the engine cleaner at one of those do-it-yourself car washes, and if so, what can't I get wet? and do i rinse it off or leave it on? I know, dumb question but would appreciate the help. thanks in advance.
Well PartEb0y
I just buy can of engine degreaser form youre local auto parts store, Then run the engine for about 5 mins let it cool down, then spray the degreaser on the engine area, Then get the garden hose, Wash the degreaser away. Pretty easy.
Yes it's safe to use the Engine/Tire degreaser on your engine. I use it still to this day. I try to stay away from the battery, altinator, and filter's but everything else get's a dueshing.
I have been told to keep the car running while doing an engine cleaning. They said this is so if the alt gets wet the warm car will dry it out and I would not have to worry about my car starting, if the alt got wet. Any truth to this? TIA.
u culd just cover the air filter and alternator with a plastic bag while u keep the car running.
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Mine is usually clean anywy but i spray tire foam on everythign under the hood and it cleans it right up in about an hour. looks brand spanking new.
ok running car + bag + air filter = STALL.
sorry lol
the way to degrease is warm engine, spray on degreaser, let stand, and rise.
altenators get wet all the time it wont fry the altenator or discharge the battery or let aquatic life reside in your car the only thing to keep dry is if you have an open air filter. other than that hose it down.
oh the car doesnt have to be running.
start the engine, let it warm up, shut it off, cover the alt and cone filter (If you have an intake) with foil, spray on degreaser, let it soak for a few minutes, then spray off.
i just use the garden hose for this. then i let it dry in the sun for a couple hours and then start it up and go driving to dry it off completely
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where I work (A GM dealership) when we clean the engine we use some thing called citrus MP let it sit ofr a a minute or 2 and the spray it off with no worries, i am sure if there were any harm then they would not allow us to do it to new/used cars that they are obviously trying to sell......then again I have not done it too my car.
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Thanks for the info Mr. Goodwrench. I wasn't sure about the engine being on when you clean it.
One thing I will let you know is. When ever I use the do-it-yourself at home engine cleaner I get a swarp of bees around. I mean a lot of them. They must be attracked to the citrus in the cleaner. I am surprised I haven't been stung yet. Anyway something to watch out for if you life in an area where there are bees.
I need to clean my engine bay too, it looks pathetic. But I'm going to wait for my polished valve cover and new headers
why wait for the header and valve cover?
Harmless, as long as you dont put cold water on the exaust manifold while its hot, duh. (CRACK!)
CD2 works great for making the engine compartment look brand new. I spray it on and then rinse it at the car wash.
Tonya Raymond wrote:CD2 works great for making the engine compartment look brand new. I spray it on and then rinse it at the car wash.
I use the same stuff, works great. I don't bother covering anything though, I just don't spray in the area of the alternator and air filter. Plus I usually pop my hood at the car wash everytime just to give it a quick spray down.
I use the same stuff, works great. I don't bother covering anything though, I just don't spray in the area of the alternator and air filter. Plus I usually pop my hood at the car wash everytime just to give it a quick spray down.
Yea, I do the same thing