Hey yall Just wanted to say hi to everyone and to wish EVERYONE good luck this show year... Ill be goign to all the shows in Vegas thats for sure some crazy cars out here WHOA!. lol And the drag strip down here is real nice... Gonna go watch some drags with my boy even though he really dont like cars

LOL Im the one always fixxing his when soemthign goes wrong.. ANyways Hi to everyone Good luck! bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
Hmm I was about to type the usual welcome to jbo haha..
hey Tracey

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
Your Welocme MR King.. LOL...
YEa Im already part of JBO lol But thanks for the welcome

ANd hey... 99redZ24... I think I know who u are but I could be way off... I know u from Sinisters though.. How ya doing Doll? Welp BYe yall
Tracey Bisking wrote:Your Welocme MR King.. LOL...
YEa Im already part of JBO lol But thanks for the welcome 
ANd hey... 99redZ24... I think I know who u are but I could be way off... I know u from Sinisters though.. How ya doing Doll? Welp BYe yall
Aww...she called me "mister" lol
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
*Giggle* Well you are the King of the Newbies right? SO u should Be called Mister LOL...
Tracey Bisking wrote:*Giggle* Well you are the King of the Newbies right? SO u should Be called Mister LOL... 
But the ladies usually call me Sexual Chocolate
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837

*falls over laughing* Cute Very cute LOL how about Mister Sexual Chocolate? LOL
Tracey Bisking wrote:
*falls over laughing* Cute Very cute LOL how about Mister Sexual Chocolate? LOL
Yes, that's fine...
Other options:
Big Chocolate Daddy
Dark King of Sexyness
King of all that is Sexy
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
ANd hey... 99redZ24... I think I know who u are but I could be way off... I know u from Sinisters though.. How ya doing Doll? Welp BYe yall
its timmy. the one who rearended you going to the bash

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
BaggedWhore98) wrote:adam touches himself
And you watch...so what?
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
LMAO! omg you watch him do it!??? LOL ANd U let him watch!? LOL
HEy timmy boy! how ya doing Doll? Hope your doing well

BIg cyber Hug darlin.. And Mr King Sir... Im just gonna call U Mr Sir LOL and bagged cav... LOL i have a thought but Ima stick to Bagged LMAO!
adam likes to call me bagged too but he likes it when he gets tea bagged
LMAO yall are way to funny for me! lol thanks I needed a real good laugh this morning.. LOL way to early for my happy butt to be up and out of bed 7am! ahhh! lol.. ANd how would you Know Jason? Are u watching too Hunny? LMAO *giggles*
They tell me about it after they are done. I'd rather not hear about it though.
Ha, my buddy has a video on his camera of his frat fag getting tea bagged.
Tracey Bisking wrote:LMAO yall are way to funny for me! lol thanks I needed a real good laugh this morning.. LOL way to early for my happy butt to be up and out of bed 7am! ahhh! lol.. ANd how would you Know Jason? Are u watching too Hunny? LMAO *giggles*
im up and out of bed by 545 every morning. it sucks
Screw that up at 5:45 every day no thanks Ill pass LOL! i use to work from 9 at night till 7 am i hated it LOL sucked big time.
hey i touch myself too, its completely normal

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Oh yes i know you Do MAtt lmao! Skeet skeet! or is it spelled some other way! lmao..
Rodimus Prime wrote:hey i touch myself too, its completely normal
Day late and a dollar short....