Hi, I just installed a 3.1L into my 1988 Z24. I am having a problem with my car missing on every cylinder sparatically when its under a load. I get power bursts and jerkiness and just rides like crap. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'd personally start with the ignition side. Check your plugs and make sure they're gapped right. Check the wires too. If you have a distributor check the rotor and cap cause if thats got alot of crud built up you may end up with some misses. Look at the cap and see if it's cracked, and see if you have some carbon tracking goin on. Personally if it's every cylinder i'd look at the distributor rotor you have one. If not check the coil itself.
Thanks for the reply, All of the ignition system is new. Plugs wires and plugs checked 3 times b 4 they went in. Gapped 0.045. And no errer codes.
My 3,1 out of a 92 if that helps.
possibly the distributor if the cap is cracked may want to go ahead and replace that too, though that may have already been mentioned.
You know something else i just thought of , and while it may not be a total problem solver it might help. We had a blazer years ago had a V6 did the same thing i took some of that stp super concentrated i think it was either fuel system cleaner or fuel injection cleaner came in a gray bottle, and while it didn't solve the prob entirely it did help quite a bit Just a thought.
Hey every one, good news, I just found a gass leak. Hopefully thats the problem and I'm getting evil VAPOR LOCK. I'll let ya all know how it works.
Well gass leak fixed. Still doing it. Hmmm
Stop what your doing, go out there take the rediculous egr valve off and clean the carbon deposits out. Yeah he thinks you have a distributor cap
01 cav w/01 3400 gam gt 4t45e
Ok I'll try it rite now. When I put the 3.1 in, I cleaned that out. And also drove it with cracked plug wires for a bit too. So ya I hope it works. Thanks.
Ok I'm not new nor am I an expert with engines, but I don't think an EGR can make the engine shake the whole car and stretch my motor mounts and make my car miss on every cylinder erratically. But I could be wrong. Its been raining here so i haven't been able to clean it.
Has it been raining every time you try it? Also check your pcv valve. My dad's old 80's ford wagon spat and sputtered all the time and finally stalled one day in the middle of the road. Check your fuel filter and pump.
Well it has been raining for 4 days. It stopped now. EGR super clean. Positive crank ventilation clean too. The problem was with my fuel regulator and my Oxygen sensor and a miner vacuum leak. Passed emissions today and thanks for your help every one. I finally got a good days worth of work in.
Thank you
Now to see what this lil 5 speed 3.1 with a 1988 2.8 tranny can do.