well i use to have a cavy or 2 back in the day, and i really dunno why, but i miss them, an di wann aget back into them. one of the major things stoping me was my friends, they are completely anti cavy. i want the cavy with teh ecotec in it. my finreds know absolutly nothing about cavies and they think they stil have the ol 2200 8v in them, which still have a crap load of tq for some odd reason. i know if i traded my turbo si for one my friends would never let me hear the end of it. eventhough one of them raced an auto matic fire GT agianst their GTi(turbo) the GT beat the piss ouf it. then i tell them i wanna get a cavy with the ecotec and they like " o O a cavalier??? come on those cars are gay, and slow. . ." and i'm like "you raced an automatic sunfire turbo, and you said "it was the fastest car you've ever raced" even thought raced evos, and cobalt ss'" his response, one of the dumbest i've yet to ever hear, "that was a sunfire gt, those cars are cool, and they are nothing like the cavaliers" i just looked at him like so "o O" apparently he doesn't understand what a J-Body really is. i've been really putting some thought into it, and there is thise 02 cavalier, LS sport (ecotec) that is lowered on goldines, power everything, sunroof, black, has black euros(super gay), Z3 fenders(god a girl must have owned this thing), magnaflow exhuast (just as gay as the euros cuz it's a twin canister) is has an AEM CAI, and a B&M short throw shifter. the price is 6900, andi know damn well that i can sell my civic with the turbo kit off for a direct trade in, even in bad condition the Si si still worth like 6500 bucks. the car sales man is a complete jack ass with pricing, before i got my civic he still had the cavy adn at that point he was trying to sell it for like 8 grand, and that got him real far. now as you can see he has dropped the pricing down alot. i just dunno about this tho, if he does do the trade i'm gonna be stuck with all this gay BS on the car and i'll have to wait til i get my first paycheck to start buying OEM replacement parts, not to mention it's damn near impossible to find a used rear bumper lip( the idiot cut it to make room for the suuuuuuper exhuast). what does anyone else think i should do. . .?
that was impossible to read
^^^ With him on this one.
sorry i got no sleep last night, dont worry about it guys. i don't blame you
Sounds like with the way you are raggin' on the Cavalier you would be better served to go out and look for a Cavalier (with an Ecotec) that hasn't been modded so that you can customize it any way you want, rather than buying one that is modded and trying to restore it back to stock or as close to stock as you want it.
yeah, i'm not raggin on cavies in gernaral, i love them, i'm the only one out ofmy friends who does. i mean i jsut dunno if it's gonna be worth it in the long run, cuz i know my resale value on my Si is worht waay more then on a cavy. and that is what holds me back further then my friends opinons.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
I know you weren't raggin' on Cavaliers per se, just that this one you were looking at has too many mods you don't like to justify you buying it, which is why I stated you would probably be bettered served to do a search for an unmodded Cavalier with an Ecotec that you can build from scratch and mod in any manner that you want. That's what I would do, I wouldn't dream of buying someone's work, unless it was my money going in to it.
Oh God you got a Honda ? JK

Look go get an ECO powered Cavi and smoke your friends in the Hondas.
I've always liked being different from everyone else in the crowd but if you enjoy following the heard like a mindless cow on a cattle drive then by all means stick with Honda.
I mean hey, just cause the ECOTEC powered cars now hold damn near every record in almost every form of raceing for 4 cylinder cars thats no reason to want one right ? 1/4 mile, Salt Flats all ECOTEC powered cars.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
hmmmmm. . . . to true, i'm deff gonna have to sleep on this one.
Remember man different is good. Being someone who starts a trend is better then someone who just jumps on the bandwagon.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
you will learn that there are too many un-informed retards out there which have no idea what a J body can do... and what people dont understand, they make fun of, or say "its o0ber gay" as it is in your case... its clear to me that your friends are just as jackalope said, and no offense to you or anything, but it seems as though you got the honda because it was the "cool thing to do" in your crowd... if you dont enjoy a car, then its time for that car to go. hondas are too easy in my book, its just too A-typical of people to go that route... to put it bluntly; any idiot with a wrench (or in some cases mommy and daddy's credit card) can make a typical import (i.e.: MOST hondas, nissans, toyotas, mitsubishis, etc.) be mildly powerful and go mildly fast, but it takes a little bit more patience and time, and know how to do the same to a J body, or anything thats different for that matter.
i would personally just look for a different, stock cavalier with the ecotec, and do it up the way you want. it'll come out a lot better in the end. glad to see youre back with the J crowd. in most cases, im sure you'll find we're a lot more helpful, and imo, an overall nicer, more respectable crowd.(at least thats what ive seen thus far)
welcome back, and good luck with youre choice
imo cavalier are one of the smoothest looking 4 cylinders on the road today ( in america ) so obviously i think you should go with the cavy, plus the ecotech can make some good numbers. I say screw what ur friends say! almost everybody that doesnt drive a cavalier has something negative to say about them. some of my friends bag on my car all the time but i dont car cause atleast im not driving the handy down mini-van. you should look for a stock cavy, that way u can experience what goes into the car and stuff like that.

Ignore the haters. It's just so easy to pick on Cavaliers and Sunfires that it's hard for people to resist.
Just build one up to be respectable and don't act/drive like a tool. People will start to think differently eventually.
I say go gt yourself 02+ cavy with the 2.2 ecotec, build an mod the car and then smoke all of your friends cars, then when they start baggin' on your car, just look at them and ask them if they would like to race again just to watch how fast they shut their mouths.
im biased beyond belief, so of course i say go for a cavy... but i'd rather have the LD9, sorry i love that motor...
i almost bought a 94 Si before i bought my z24 i'm glad i didnt... i drove it and it drove nice but as soon as i got back to the dealership something inside me said pass on this car... i too was influnced by my friends and almost bought a honda cuz thats all they talked about, but something didnt feel right about it.. i said screw what my buddies have to say buy the car U want...
it's funny too maybe 2 weeks before i got my Z one of the buddies who used to rag on cavys all the time ended up getting an 02 Z24, and now he owns a cobalt ss/sc aswell...
sorry to go on, but honestly if you want a cavalier then by all means get one.. i know i'm glad i got mine.
ayo 8 Iz Enuff