Well i searched and searched and didn't get anything. So how do i hook up these MSD coils to my car??? Do i just take off the stock coils and slap the MSD right inplace and plug in some wires? Where would the wires plug in lol? im just confused and new either a write up or pics of the install..
do i have to buy a Coil Interface Module PN 8870? I'm full of questions tonight
If what you have is the 98 fire in the pic then all you need is two of the coils..i believe the part # is: 8442 or 8224 cant remeber off the top of my head but yah...2 of those and plug them in like stockers..phil
yeap i have a 98 fire, the PN on the coils i have is 8224
You need 2 coils, and i suggest you eplace your spark plaug wires at the same time.
1) Disconnect your battery
2) With a marker, write the number of the spark plaug wire on the old coil. ex: 1,2,3,4.
3) Have new coils in front of you and copy the numbers in corresponding order on the new coils.
( this way you cant screw anything up.)
4) disconnect the spark plug wires going to coils.
5) disconnect the ign wires from coil packs. There is a small black connector for this.
6) un bolt the coils from the brackets.
7) Install the new coils and reverse the other directions.
hey that sounds easy enough. But theres no wires comin off the MSD coils or am i missing something. like how do they connect to the black wire
well i have accel coils, but just take off a stock coil, and compare with your MSD, it should be easy to figure out.