I got a flat tire ... jacked it up, took the bolts off, but the wheel doesn't seem to pull out of the car. I'm wondering if anyone has some advice? It seems to be stick here (where the red arrows are). Not sure if I need to unscrew this or what? thnx for any help
it should come off...just the lug nuts hold it on. pull harder.
thnx for the response, TR. I tried pulling hard a bunch of times ... hard enough that the car was shaking, I could hear the gas slushing around in the gas tank, and I thought the car might fall off the jack (I'm using the crappy jack that came standard in the trunk). There seems to be a couple of metal notches in the wheel that are digging into the rusty part and they seem jammed? No matter how hard I pull it's not budging ... here is a pic with arrows to the metal notches. I looked at the spare doughnut and there aren't any notches on that one.
get a rubber mallet and beat on the rim for a bit.
R.I.P. Brian St.Germain
you know, i love when people like to criticize others about their behavior,
but turn around and do the same freaking thing months later...
maybe get some wd40
Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
thnx guys, I'll try the wd40 ... I don't have a rubber mallet tho ... I'll try to find something similar
it looks to me that there is a lip on the spindle, and the rim is resting behind that lip. and rite around that lip there is another lip thats on the rim. that lip looks like it is sandwhiched down, preventing the rim from sliding past the lip on the spindle. it looks to me that you would have to unbend the lip on the rim so that the wheel can move freely without the lugs on. i dont know if beating it will be enough. i would say find something to pry up the lip on the rim. if that doesnt work take the car to a shop and have them tell you what you can do. i dunno what idiot would do that, but they might've screwed you on this one. good luck man.
If I were you, I would try to borrow some jack stands from someone. It isn't worth hurting yourself or doing more damage to the car if it falls off the jack.
That being said, one good hard kick to the top of the rim should do the trick. It's always worked for me anyways.
Good luck.
I ended up just calling AAA (I have free roadside assistance program) ... the guy sprayed it with wd40 but it still wouldn't budge. He finally just started kicking it and it eventually just flopped off, lol. Drove to Pepboys on the doughnut to have the tire fixed.
yeah actually i just had this same problem in a car i was putting tires on. beat it with a rubber mallet on the back of the rim. but of god's sake secure that car up better than the crap ass jack. sears 2 ton axel stands are only 14.99. rubber mallet at lowes is under 10.00 and a can of pb blaster and you will be doing just fine.
Steve from PA wrote:He finally just started kicking it and it eventually just flopped off, lol..
one good swift kick on my 89 got all four off at once...
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I'm embarassed to admit I spent almost half and hour working on my right-rear tire last week when I found it thoroughly rusted onto the hub. The usual beating and soaking in WD-40 finally freed it.
Shop Manuals, Brochures:
guess some one not rotating his tires every 5000 miles like the book says
they will come off easier if that is done regularly
In my case, I'm lucky to put 5000 miles on the car in a year. I'm guessing a bit of last winter's salt crept in there and seized it.
Shop Manuals, Brochures:
Yep, same here. I used to go to community college like 10-15 minute drive etc ... I have a shopping mall about 3 blocks away from my house. So I would be lucky to put much of any mileage on my car. I did have the tires rotated every 5000-6000 miles though (every 2nd oil change) ... but that happens far apart, lol. But now that I have to drive 45 minutes each way every day to class (transfered to Widener University), I'll be putting a lot of miles on this sucker.