you so called experts here tell newbies like me and other people to search and searcj and search untill you die before posting something
but when someone posts something that is lets say very easy for you or lets say stupid even though you already know this you go to the post and replie with "do a search"
why do you replie if you dont like people posting thing that are so easyyyyy for you and is stupid the dont replie i gues it increase the ego right
anywayz you all experts say that we should search then why dont improve the search option , look this is what happens when you do a search in the jbody forum
1. i wanna about if the drift kit will fit my car or some pics
2. lets say that it comes up 15 pages
3. the in each page instead of appearing each post appears each replie to each post and what it sucks is in order
like this:
drift kit pics replie 1
replie 2
.......................replie 15
then next post
drift kit problem 99 cavy
replie 1
replie 2
replie 3..................................
.......................replie 10
then is so @!#$ boring to do a search like this lets say if seatch on kit you will get like 20 30 pages with every repl;ei to each post in @!#$ order
if only would appear just the name of the posts then the pages would be less and it would be easierrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr to do a search and it would be more enjoyableeeeeeeeeee
im sure a lot of people are tired of this way of searching thats why they dont search and post
come on experts admitt itis the truth the search option sucks
hahahhahaha i know i was just kidding i wanted to see what was u response
hahaa lets have fun dont be so serious lets see what other people who see the post replies lol
i bet as soon as they see mods and search improvement they will click their @!#$ way to this post
im not gonna replie to your insults think what u want
give him a lil slack. he just learned english. but definately a useless post.
but i will agree here
Cavie Freak wrote:IBTL
hahah i learned english more than a year ago is not just now lol ok i wont post that kind of posts anymore
Well, when the mods do see this, you'll probably end up with a temporary ban just cause it seems like your spamming with this useless topic and posts that just seem like spam.
I do agree though with your very first part. It gets annoying when every new guy who makes a post with a question, gets bashed by all the "veterens" cause they didn't search. I'm sorry, but the point of a forum is to post and interact with other members. If everyone just searched and went from there, this wouldn't be a forum, it'd be an archieve. If someone has a technical question or wants more info, why should they spend 20 minutes searching topics/posts just to see if someone asks many months ago? Yet if someone brings back an old topic, they get bashed for bringing up old topics. Its a ridiculous double standard. Like I said before, no wonder why you don't see new members here damn near at all.
orlando chirinos wrote:hahahhahaha i know i was just kidding i wanted to see what was u response
sure you were...It's okay to say, "gee, sorry...I must be stupid to have missed that, my bad."
Right after you learn how to search you should glance over the rules and learn to post in the appropriate forum.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, January 18, 2007 5:45 PM

(laughing quietly to myself)

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"