hey I'm new to the hole j-body scene and i have encountered a big problem or dilemma with my beautiful 99 cavalier z24 i have this crazy knocking noise coming from what looks to be my timing belt cover and i don't know how to properly diagnose it but i know theres a problem so i need some help, i have planned on pulling the motor myself( never done anything like this before) and i was wondering if you had a link on a proper way to pull my motor out of my car using an engine host. if you do that would be awsome, i was also wondering if any one in the area of st.Catharine's would come help me figure out my motor problem because i don't know anything about motors and i don't want to have to go threw the waste of time pulling the motor and changing the timing belt if its not the problem.
timing chain not belt and good luck
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
Are you sure its from the timing chain, because my 98 Z24 did the same and it was a rod bearing knock, bein that i had spun a bearing. It was a royal pain but one good thing came out of it...H BEAM EAGLE RODS!!!!!!!!!! Just a heads up.
had mine( water pump) replaced along with the timing chain from the stealership and when I got the car back it had a loud ticking noise,ended up being the tensioner in the timing chain(Ithink that's what it's called)they didn't put a new one on.They did fix it after I complained and no probs. since
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
im still having this problem with the motor dont know what to do im getting kinda pissed off now as i hate walking and takin the city bus around town with a kid its so annoying so if any one nows were i can get a new motor let me know please and thanks email me at brandons_02@hotmail.com or just add me to msn
I don't know where you live but try posting in the regional forums and hopefully someone can help you,that might live close to you
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"