anyone ever see these
useless and total BS.
sig not found
does this picture in this website a cavalier I dont think it is LOL
<a href = ''>
<img src = ''></a>
It has instructions to build a hydro booster for any engine you effin moron you are stupid
Jacob Smith wrote:It has instructions to build a hydro booster for any engine you effin moron you are stupid
That was a tad premature...the WEBSITE calls it a Chevy effin moron
Oh yeah, gimmick products FTL
The website keeps saying nobody believes you can do blah blah blah... we have been using water electrolysis to make hydrogen for a LONG time, it's no secret. The problem is that the energy required for the electrolysis is not worth the energy you get from the hydrogen. Running an engine off hydrogen requires storing the hydrogen, good luck.
fortune cookie say: better a delay than a disaster