My gf's 97 pontiac sunfire gt 5spd is stuck in third. Just happened tonight. When she got it home, i got in and tried the clutch, it felt normal. The shifter will float straight forward and backwards, towards fourth. It will not go left or right toward 1-2 or 5-r. If their a linkage or cable that may have broke, or it the trannie? Thanks...
One of her shift cables is broken. It should run about $150 to fix.
Who can fix it, just a pontiac shop? Or any mechanic?
the cables are pretty easy to fix, if the cables are fine, it could be the shifting forks inside the tranny.
I got someone in the car to move the shifter and it does not move between the @!#$fer and the trannie.. I can move the part on the trannie, by hand. So I think it is the cable..
Like I said, it's the cable (I know right off the bat having broken 2 of them). Any mechanic can take care of it (although they might charge you out the ass to do so).