hi everybody im new in this forum im from mexico so my english is not good at all, the question is ... how are the cavaliers z24 2.4 automatic transmision ???? they work properly with a good maintenance or they just are bad cars or what can i found about this car in this forum help me ... also i will chenge it for my jeep XJ 1998 4x4 because i can't keep the jeep with gas
thanks everybody.
your english is fine.. its my spanish that sucks !!! ha-ha .. well kept maintenance is always a good thing. just don't abuse it and it will be fine
all right, so dependig the use of the car i could be bad or good, thanks a lot buddy , i will post the pic's of the z24 so you can see it ...
all right, so depending the use of the car i could be bad or good, thanks a lot buddy , i will post the pic's of the z24 so you can see it ...