Hello everyone just wanted to introduce myself. I'm 18 and just bought a 2005 sunfire as my first car. I really know only a little about cars, but want to get to know more about them. My brother is really into cars and is a pretty good mechanic. The only problem is he is into the whole MUSCLE MUSCLE MUSCLE scene and looks down upon fwd cars..... So now that I have gotten my introduction out of the way what I'm wanting to know is what is a good place to start making my sunfire better in the performance area?
put a s/c on it and call it a day! oh welcome to the org and get some pics up
Sig thanks to bxmobkrazey on gmscf.com
Up!... Yea so what exactly is an s/c?
Oh lol nvm. How much work and money would that be?
i still haven't figured out what s/c is, but welcome to the site. Your brother reminds me of my friend, he laughs at me when his fancy shmancy 355 woops my car lol.
2002 2200sfi 5-speed.
Welcome to the Org, and S/C means Supercharger. But to the OP, whats up with the back end of ur car? Looks like it needs paint, or is that just the pic. Other then that, I likie. I also love the front ends of the newer 'Fires. Welcome again, and have fun!
If your interested in superchargers I would read up on this about roots type superchargers.
Eaton Superchargers Also look into things like the stickes on the boost and tuning forums. You can find any piece of information you need on here by searching. Welcome!