my 2.3 started knocking and so i bought a rebuild kit and rebuilt and it ran find the first 5 hours then when i started this morning it ran for about 7 seconds and died when i got out and look under it it is leaking oil out the oil filter seal i've tried 2 new ones and it does the samething anybody know why or what would cause it?
Did you check to make sure an old rubber seal is not stuck in the oil filter opening? Just my 0.2 cents. I don't know what else could be causing it other than high oil pressure for some reason...
i could understand ONE oil filter seal failing......but not 2..and especially not 2 in a row. that engine makes no where near enough pressure to brake that filter once its screwed on tight. Pretty sure you got an old seal stuck to the block...or something else is leaking.
i demand pictures of said busted seals
yeah it dont have the old seal on it it starts then pegs out 100psi oil pressure then dies as soon as it breaks the oil filter seal
100psi? sh*t... Got any pictures of the topside of your motor?
well... to keep it short and simple... you have a blockage somewhere in your block. Something loose that got stuck somewhere when you turned it off... That seems to be the only conclusion I can come up with.
relief valve sticking is the best answer. Just replace your oil pump. Then it might be my answer above. lol
you was right it was the relief valve stuck