Ok Fellas im totally new to this racing thing.
In a couple weeks or maybe 3 im going to take my 98 Z24 down the "Friday night street races" Which is a
legal event in spokane. Its 5 dollars to get in, and like 2 dollars per race. A run what you brung type of thing.
So what i need to know is....
What should i do to prep my car for this event.
I just slapped in a new clutch and engine, which is broke in now.
I should probably lose the subs, ok np.
I think there is a 1/4 mile thing and i think theres also a deal thats more like a 1/2 mile. So what times should i be expecting to get here and any tricks i should learn to master for racing the fwd car?
how fast am i going to be going at the end of the track. Im also running 95% tires so im good to go on that.
Proud member on JBNW.org
JBO member since 2004
fluid change clean filters
slide or die
Already got er done...anything else?
Proud member on JBNW.org
JBO member since 2004
take out everything I mean everything back seats passanger seat spare tire jack, any thing to get the wait down.
boobs now with Riboflabin"
I swear that this same topic is posted ever effing week.