Pretty self-explainitary (spelling?) topic, but I am curious since I will be getting one for this race season. Also, prices would be nice, or suggestions if you have one!
Ban low-performance cars, not high-performance ones.
I'm using the Bell M3 (older SA2000). The SA2005's are out now. I paid about $280 for my helmet.
I use a @!#$ty old dirt bike style helmet. No clue who makes it or if its legal....
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
I use my old bike racing helmet, a carbon fiber Troy Lee D2 stripped to raw carbon.
Thanks for the input guys, I will prob go to a speed shop when I find the time and look around, or I can probally get one at Englishtown, NJ.
Ban low-performance cars, not high-performance ones.
The problem with using motorcycle helmets is that they are designed for skidding across pavement. The SA helmets are designed for sudden impacts (like hitting your head on a roll bar).
^^^^ They are designed for certain speed/velocity impacts (not sliding across the ground.) Most bike helmets are rated pretty close to motor vehicle counter-parts but they are pretty much one time use for a hard impact.
some '3 sport' helmet..... the AutoX boys told me I couldnt use it...... but its fine for the drag strip..... its older though, not even SA2000.....
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
Snell Memorial Foundation rates helmets according to use. M for motorcycle and SA for sports automotive. The biggest difference being for impact standards, the type of impacts that a person will most commonly encounter doing a specific activity. Most helmet manufacterers will build a common shell that would meet more than one standard, then change the liner to suite the needs to meet the standards of each rating. For example a manufacterer will build modal X helmet and put a nylon liner in it with certain desity foam padding in certain areas for an M rating, then put a Nomex liner in it with different padding for an SA rating. Nomex being a more expensive material (flame retardant) is more expensive as is the differing padding materials and the typical quantity made of a rated helmet will increase the cost of manufacturing, hence the SA helmet is more expensive.
I've got an inexpensive $60.00 helment, I'll get the brand when I get home. Works fine for autox. It's a motorcycle helment, but the snell rating is what's important for autox.

i just got a bell apollo off road motorcycle helmet. federal motor vehicle safety standard no. 218. hopefully they will let me race in it.
I have a HJC CS-12 Red one, I think I paid about $109 at a local powersports shop. It passed inspection at the Indianapolis Raceway Park at the GMSCB. It all depends on the track and how fast you go to be required to wear one.
- Ben
ONLY All Motor Quick 8 H2 (GMSCB 2005)
Best times of 2005
60' - 1.955 (9/30/05)
330' - 5.987 (9/30/05)
1/8 - 9.312 (9/30/05)
M.P.H.- 74.85 (9/30/05)
1000' - 12.213 (9/30/05)
1/4 - 14.670 (9/30/05)
M.P.H.- 92.78 (9/30/05)
i bought it for scca events.
Reich helmet!!!!!
darkblade j
you need to me Snell Certified for the drag strip helmets are usually only DOT
AutoX and Drag Strip rules are the same when it comes to helmets
VIPERREDZED wrote:you need to me Snell Certified for the drag strip helmets are usually only DOT
AutoX and Drag Strip rules are the same when it comes to helmets 
Thanks for the advice, the dragstrip is where I am going to be racing, a lot.....hopefully soon in a F-body. Ya never know!
Ban low-performance cars, not high-performance ones.
If I was fast enough to have to wear a helmet (LOL) id use my old crotch rocket helmet