ive got a 97 z and its going in for paint in the next few weeks or so. id like to get rid of the factory spoiler and clean the rear up a little but i do plan on running alot of lapping days this year and im pretty confident i can reach some big speeds aswell. now the car will handle what i throw at it brake suspension tire and power wise, but does the rear spoiler do anything for downforce at all? i know its not big or angled or anything but it does in a sense disrupt the airflow over the rear of the car a little. does anyone have any first hand experience with this?

parting out my built and boosted 97 z24 so4x4.com/cavy.html for pics and a parts list
I doubt it adds anything since GM didn't design the cars to go fast enough to need the added downforce.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
ok thanks man

parting out my built and boosted 97 z24 so4x4.com/cavy.html for pics and a parts list
i know down force was part of what they said for the 00-02 tall spoiler
im not sure how much is true or false
but having the spoler will change the air flow some , how much and will it help ???
only a wind tunnel will tell you for sure
i put a 2.2 trunk lid on my cav. why- i dunno.
see thats what i was thinking too, the 2k spoiler definatly looks like it would add some downforce but i figured that even the stock 95+ unit would disrupt the airflow enough to put some pressure down. i want to shave the spoiler because i like the no spoiler look but these cars are ass happy as it is and id much rather have a little more downforce in the rear. thanks for the input

parting out my built and boosted 97 z24 so4x4.com/cavy.html for pics and a parts list
i know when trash on the freeway goes over my cav , it dips to the trunk lid(still a couple feet over) with the roof line then pops up again when it hits the air going over the spoiler
what about the brikyard that thing sticks out mad crazy if anything is going to help I bet you that one would.
also even if you are making down force are you sure its going to help? youll be compressing the rear more which I dont think would do much for your front wheel power.
I would imgainge the only way your going to make any extra force is whith a splitter or two. but even then I dont know how much it would help.
boobs now with Riboflabin"
see the front end on the car stays planted no matter what, these cars are balanced like ass though and eventhough ive got a bunch of suspension work done to the car and its setup and handles good, i want to be able to keep the rear planted. for the most part i want downforce for high speed trail braking than anything else. dont get me wrong, the car is glued to the ground pretty good but id like a little more and for the front, well ive got some ideas im toying with right now that might work and might not

parting out my built and boosted 97 z24 so4x4.com/cavy.html for pics and a parts list
another thing, do the 2k spoilers share the same bolt locations as the 95+?

parting out my built and boosted 97 z24 so4x4.com/cavy.html for pics and a parts list
doesnt much matter as Im sure it will cover the old bolt holes even if they dont line up. Why not pick up a 2k+ spoiler and do a little testing between them and then report back here? have someone take a picture of your car at speed on a smooth flat surface and see what the difference in the gap between the tire and the fender is to see the difference in downforce if any. Or you could perform the coast down test and see how far the car coasts with each to see about the difference in drag. Or another thing to try is a high speed corner at the same speed and see if there is a noticeable difference.
Im sure the brickyard is way better for delaying flow separation than either factory spoiler though
02 LS Sport
68 Firebird
56 GMC
66 Suburban
yes the 00-02 tall spoiler will bolt in place of the 95-02 short spoiler
You can go faster without a spoiler.
I wouldn't doubt most of the energy from the spoiler is lost due to the rubber gasket the truck lid lays on.
Yea, ummmm. I used to have a J-body...
my spoiler isnt sitting on any rubber
[quote=97cavie24ls(JDM&00s/c sedans™)]my spoiler isnt sitting on any rubber
The truck lid is and the only way the truck lid can push on the car is through the rubber weather strip.
Yea, ummmm. I used to have a J-body...
You actually still get the downforce that is generated. If you stand on a bathroom scale and let's say you weigh 185lbs. If you put a rubber mat on that scale surface, and you step on that scale , do you weigh any less? No, you are still putting down that same 185lbs, just now instead of being concentrated just under your feet, it is now spread over a slightly wider area, but the scale will still sees your weight.