Well a few of my firends and I went to clay city drag strip and ran for test and tune today.. i ran my car 18 times and got my all time personal best today..
it was 15.422 @ 87.808 MPH
it befor this day my best was 16.3 at the bash 2 years ago.. so i am VERY happy with this..... WOOT i finally got the slo cav into the 15's LOL...
so i had fun....
and my favorite race was a gainst a v6 camaro 5 speed... and i killed him by a car and a half..
god was that fun... i ran 15.569@87.914 and he was 15.625 @87.200MPH. so that race was fun...
good run,did you take all the speaker stuff and spare tire out?Might make a small difference and what were your reaction times?
15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
my R/T's were .3xx all day long.... and i took the speakers and stuff out later on in the day and believe it or not.. made no difference... LOL...
Did you run on those same wheels in your sig?
nope i had my stock ls sport ones on the car..