Sunpro tach gauge installed in '02 Cav with 2.2L circle track car. Bought it race-ready couple yrs ago, so dash/guts already stripped. Tach is starting to give spurious readings... Understand the hook ups for white/black/and red wires... all seem okay. Green is hooked to wire coming off ignition coil (I think)... Better place to get Tach signal? 5 Speed, so should have had tach in instrument cluster.
Well i don't have an 02 but i just did this on a 95 and a 00 with automatics for our local circle track
and in my case i didn't have any luck with pulling the signal from the cluster ... on the 95 i needed a tach adapter but on the 00 i just pulled the tach signal from the ICM, white wire if i remember correctly, (pls double check your wiring diagrams before cutting)
in any case if it just started being flakey i would check the wiring specifically for a loose connection or try swapping in a known good tach if you have access to one