I was parked on the side of the road across the street from my house. My dad was backing his truck out of the driveway and heard a crunch. He feels bad for it and he is going to pay for the damage so I am not too upset. The thing that really annoys me is he is the one who was always paranoid that his truck would get hit when parked there.
The garbage bag was there because I couldn't get the door closed last night and it was going to rain but I fixed that this morning.
At least your dad fessed up to it. My dad backed into my car (luckly had my old winter kit on) and denied it.
damn that sucks. my mom backed into my wife's car one time while coming out of the garage. sucked a lot. good leverage though....
that shouldnt be too bad its strickly the fender from what i can see.. look for someone parting out a red sunfire.. or go to a junk yard and look usually around 50.00 give or take and slap it on in about 30min and be good as new
Now that i look the door is kind of marked but but it doesnt look like anything major
We decided to go through insurance after we called and since it's the first claim in a very long time for my dad his rates aren't going up. The estimate is $2200 I think that pretty insane but we aren't paying so what ever.
2200 bucks?? i'm in the wrong business...