[quote=97trd(???�)]^^^^ what he said
+ holy �hit.
She's very lucky....what are the plans for the car? Going to fix it up?
I wish there was anything we could do with the car, with the roof caved in I can't even go inside to pull interior parts, so its all going to the junkyard. She didn't have insurance... oh well. I've got a turbo and leather interior to keep me happy!
Wasn't me! Sister wrecked it. I gots me a turbo SAAB.
Well look at this way if you didn't sell your car to here she might not of made it. Glad she made it out ok. I hope that non of us get our J's in that much trouble ever.
jdin wrote:I wish there was anything we could do with the car, with the roof caved in I can't even go inside to pull interior parts, so its all going to the junkyard. She didn't have insurance... oh well. I've got a turbo and leather interior to keep me happy!
You could pull the rims and sell those if you wanted.

"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines." -- Steven Wright
WOW she must have been tiny to walk away from that!!! glad to hear shes ok!!!
I wish there was anything we could do with the car, with the roof caved in I can't even go inside to pull interior parts, so its all going to the junkyard. She didn't have insurance... oh well. I've got a turbo and leather interior to keep me happy!
take a sawzall and cut the all pillars, the roof will lift right off. seeing as a insurance company is not getting the car she might as well take what she can.
depending on the miles the engine/trans and computer are worth a fair bit.
I'm form central Massachusetts. Apparently since the car is just sitting outside of the towing place anyone can get at it, my sister said when she went to look at it the other day with a friend they noticed the AEM intake was gone... the towing company says they haven't touched it. I asked her if the B&M shifter was still in it but she said the hood was so crumpled in she couldn't get near it. I really don't have time to go hacking it up or anything, I can hardly find time to maintain my car now. Side note: I drove an ecotec cavy last night, and if I owned one I would DEFINITELY turbocharge it.
Wasn't me! Sister wrecked it. I gots me a turbo SAAB.
Holy crap!!! Someone was definately watching out for her... glad to hear she's ok!!!