Well sold the car today. The new owners are very happy with it. They did not buy the air ride with the car but it still looks hot.

I will still be around looking at pics and offering my help to anyone that asks. Look for a for sale thread in the suspension and northeast forum some time tonight or tomorrow.
Miss it already.

Thanks for the comment. I hope they take care of it too.
damn finally sold. any reason why they didnt want the air ride? are they ridin around on stock suspension?
They did'nt want it cause the person that owns it now will be driving it alot. It will be their full time daily. It was my full time daily also but I did not drive it far. They will be using some pretty bumpy roads and they figured that the stock suspension would be best for them. They liked the air but more practicle the other way.
I actually got around what I wanted for it too.
Got 4,500.00 for it without the air ride...

Yay for me!