Wow ... he's very lucky to be alive. Looked like a nice car.
holy crap that spoiler survived
good to hear your friend is ok though
The spoiler didn't survive
I like ronald just chilling in your garage :d you steal that? i would at least put a blanket over it
Wow, thats why its illegal to drive and talk on the phone at the same time here. Happens way too much.
he wasn't talkin on the phone. it fell off the dash and onto the floor. natural reaction to reach for it. but yea. ronald chillin in our garage is a momento! lol. both my roomates run the mcdonalds here. they took him home one day. haha. but seriously, yea, i'm glad he's alive. he was doin around 60mph when it started rollin.
well, it was a nice car
horsepower is the force that determines at what speed you hit the wall, torque is the force that determines how far you take the wall with you after you hit it.
They passed a law making it illeagle for anyone under 18 to talk on a phone while driving in MN..... I'm a bit older than that but I won't use my cell when I'm driving for a few reasons.. (talking on it or reaching for it..... doesn't matter..... it was still because he wasn't paying attention because of the phone)
That sucks though... it's good that he's OK..... will insurance pay to fix it considering what happened?
the deal with the insurance is that his mom and dad had insurance on it since he was in highschool. now some 8 years later, they must've forgot to change it over. i don't know the whole story, but the insurance company wouldn't cover it since he wasn't a primary driver. TOTAL LOSS!
I'd imagine that to be a total loss.
Dan Trump
2004 Cavalier LS Sport - Victory Red