LMAO wow..... common sense > him
Sorry but have to say it.... Repost.
Meh, I could be wrong I could have saw it on another forum. Even if it was posted here looks like a lot of people missed it. No biggie....I just wanted to be the one who got to say it for a change haha.
o_O Did he ever wonder why people put up jack stands under the engine, or blocks?? lol
Hahaha!! I'm pretty sure they knew that was going to happen. Either way, the engine is out.... just gotta jack the car up and drag it out.
I couldn't hear it with the volume, but it looked to me like they did that on purpose. He was even flinching on the last few turns of the wrench preparing for it.
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM | CSS.net
Look at the bumper to fender gap. I think that was a setup.
And the guy wrenching looks like my old manager who was sent to jail for stealing @!#$.
obviously they anticipated that... see him keeping his distance as he turns the ratchet?