So i had decided against getting a new bike even though i had ended up with a bit of extra money this year from taxes and other sources
that is until i came across a used raider
got a great deal in my opinion and cant wait to ride it more with the upcoming spring and summer
here are some generic pictures as i will get actual pictures soon
so here is a before and after comparison
and after:
needless to say i am excited
over double the cc going from 900 to 1800+
and the bike just handles well
feel free to comment!
Like chrome much? Hahahah.
Looks awesome man.
And the other sources is an assortment of drugs I'm sure... hahaha.
Wow! Exactly the type of bike I'd buy myself! Have fun.
Watch out for cars...they really don't pay enough attention to bikes, and with today's cell phone plague, it's worse than ever.
Bill Hahn Jr.
Hahn RaceCraft

World's Quickest and Fastest Street J-Bodies
Turbocharging GM FWD's since 1988
dont like the much chrome, but that bike is really nice
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
thanks for the comments
the funny thing about the chrome comments is that there is much more chrome on my old bike actually
it could be because of the silver but yeah, really the only things that are chrome are the pipes, the trees, and the "strut supports"
whereas the old bike damn near the entire engine was chrome, along with the pipes and a bunch of other bits
but either way thanks for the comments!
very nice! I like the after. have fun and be safe!
color me jealous, i'd love to have a raider!
congrats on the new bike!
Just wear the protective gear ALL the time while riding jacket,good helmet,pants(or chaps whatever) and gloves.Todays enviroment of riding is more dangerous than ever lately.I would love to have a bike again myself,but with the idiots(IDIOTS) on the road I am less likely to buy one.Enjoy your bike and make sure you have a shoei rated helmet none of the half helmet (BS) to look cool.Riding gear that is designed to protect you is costly but,it is your personal safety!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Like your choice and ride safe.
thanks for the heads up on the safety guys. i have been riding for about three years but it never hurts to be reminded. As far as the SHOEI rated helmet, i actually just have a snell full face, but maybe i will upgrade. I ride around with a Z1R TORQUE leather jacket with padded inserts and always jeans. It always blows my mind when people are riding their motorcycles with shorts and flip-flops.
I think the biggest upgrade, aside from the engine, it the rear wheel and tire. went from a 180/70x15 to a 210/40-18 yet the ride is lowered to keep it looking sleek
and of course the day after i buy the damn thing, its supposed to snow. It been nice all week! oh well, ill be patient
Good Luck and keep the rubber side down!!!!

Not unintentionally accelerating since 2009!!!!