Nice truck! I have always liked the Dodge trucks......miss my Dakota.
You might like is parked in detailing area in the parking garage where I work

Ive driven one of those SRT10 Rams. Frickin beast. Nice truck man. I love that grey on the Rams
The new Rams def have grown on me for appearance. Looks real good.
And the SRT10s look sick. Never really heard too much about them though.
That SRT10 is sweet, but I don't know if I could ever go regular cab again. What year? Looks to be an 07 or 08 I think.
Here are a few interior pics of my RAM.
Decent (not great( MPG for near 400hp, (stupid flash)

**there is only one true love in my life... and my girlfriend has learned to live with it**
not a fan of the new dodge exterior but that interior is really nice
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...