So I have had 440cc green top injectors on my car for a while at 3 psi fuel pressure. What do I change to be able to get the pressure back up to normal to be able to spray again? HP tuners ordered as well. I have no idea about any of this stuff. Thanks
why is your fuel pressure so low, and where are you getting the pressure reading from?
3 psi? do you have an AFPR?
You will start by adjusting the injector constant. When the ecm calculates the fuel need based on volumetric efficiency and calculated air density, it also calculates how long to open the injectors based on the injector constant. The IC tells the ecm / pcm how much fuel the injectors flow per unit of time.
After that you would work on VE and voltage correction tables if they exist.
its so low because it floods itself any higher cause of thebigger injectors...