Ok heres the deal 1997 Z24 originally a 4 speed auto swapped out to a 5 speed with a pcm from another 97 2.4 5-speed (from what im told). On multiple tunes including bone stock the car is commanding 11.5AFR in hp tuners. For the life of me I cannot figure out what is going on with it. I've seen this pop up from time to time in other jbody pcms as well where instead of commanding 14.6 like it should its something lower, theres really no value to set AFR like there is in MAF based cars, in the 97s theres no IPW modifier table either. Its just injector constant and regardless of the constant moving it up or down has zero affect.
The Fact multiple tunes including bone stock all do the same thing lead me to believe its something mechanical tps, fuses, map? I need some direction here what on earth is goign on?
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Have you disabled closed loop? If so does it do it while closed loop is working?
My car 01 Z24 was idling at a similar AFR before I started tuning it, but once I tuned it and turned closed loop back on it then idled at 14:4-14:9.
FU Tuning
yea i was trying to do VE tuning and put the car into open loop, however when the car is in closed loop, or in closed looop even with the stock tune it refuses to command anything but 11.5
Its impossible to do VE tuning on it because the VE Error is basing off trying to run 11.5 rather than 14.7
Whether the car is in open loop or not it should command 14.6 unless in PE mode and this is not occuring
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Rodimus Prime wrote:yea i was trying to do VE tuning and put the car into open loop, however when the car is in closed loop, or in closed looop even with the stock tune it refuses to command anything but 11.5
Its impossible to do VE tuning on it because the VE Error is basing off trying to run 11.5 rather than 14.7
Whether the car is in open loop or not it should command 14.6 unless in PE mode and this is not occuring
Well when you turn off closed loop you are forcing the car in open loop which will run off the VE tables. This was why I asked. Have you actually tried tuning the VE tables? What AFR have you put in for it to try for?
My car when I turn off closed loop it runs around 12:8 (because that is what I have the VE tables tuned to). Once I turn closed loop on it will idle at 14:4-14:9.
FU Tuning
turning on closed loop its still commanding the 11.5, tuning the VE tables seems to have zero affect
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Rodimus Prime wrote:turning on closed loop its still commanding the 11.5, tuning the VE tables seems to have zero affect
That is weird. Another question (sorry), when you load a fresh tune (like modded VE tables) are you driving it right after and not seeing a difference?
My car usually take a new flash/tune really quick, but the first couple times I had to drive it a couple miles before the change started showing up.
FU Tuning
Didnt really try that seeing as how I didnt notice it right away so all the driving was just molding the VE closer to 11.5
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
This is my stupid car.
I'm pretty much done with it...
Maybe next year.... probably not.