i just put on my tial wastegate and now im having backfiring issues. im not sure if its related to the tial wastegate becauseit started once i put it on but it happens at exactly 3800rpm which is when hptuners transfers to the high rpm table, the table is perfectly fine im not sure what is going on? thanks for any help
running rich? turn the boost up
Its only at about 50 percent tps or higher
running rich? turn the boost up
Its only at about 40 percent tps or higher
running rich? turn the boost up
Thanks for having ANY info about your car. Except for 3800 rpm.
i find it amusing that SHOoff has nothing better to do but follow me around & be an unhelpful dick in even cross-forum. - Jon Mick
Not really sure why you would need any info. Its a 2003 pontiac sunfire with a 42trim turbo on a hp tuners tune
running rich? turn the boost up
kevin roskosky wrote:Not really sure why you would need any info.
right. we must have forgot, that gm ever only produced the j-body in the year you bought it, with the engine/trans/computer setup you have. silly us.
JBO Stickers! Get yours today!
If your looking at a tire to see if its flat do you ask what brand the tire is? It doesn't really matter what motor or trans I have. Its not those that is creating the problem
running rich? turn the boost up
I think what Kev is asking is could the wastegate cause this? Nothing else has been changed and it wasnt acting up until he put the wastegate on. in which case the year engine etc doesnt matter.
kevin roskosky wrote:If your looking at a tire to see if its flat do you ask what brand the tire is? It doesn't really matter what motor or trans I have. Its not those that is creating the problem
You are a TOOL! Wait a minute, a FU(KING TOOL.... Yeah, thats better.. I would have thought you would have learned from your previous threads... Guess I was wrong...

P&P Tuning
420.5whp / 359.8wtq
How am I the "fu(king tool" qwk ln2. I would love to know
running rich? turn the boost up
Is it backfiring or afterfiring?

Buildin' n' Boostin for 08' - Alex Richards
I'm honestly not 100 percent sure of the difference but I do know it is coming out of the exhaust. Thank you alex for the first real response. Its much appreciated
running rich? turn the boost up
I think the point guys are trying to make is that if you want people to share information, they would at least like to know more about car, the person, if there's something different or special about the set-up that may be causing the issues etc.
If you have more basic information it really helps people from having to ask 20 or 100 questions to get the root cause. If you want to be 100% anonymous cause you're "super bad-ass" clandenstine, then you're looking at the wrong place for information. Everyone takes some pride in their ride and wants to be unique - but c-mon you have a boosted J - so do many others. The point is, you could share something and contribute to further the general body of knowledge and help those who are trying to help you.
So maybe your tial with the atmospheric dump is introducing oxygen into a hot rich mixuture causing the back-fire. Are you running open dump, or recirculated?
kevin roskosky wrote:How am I the "fu(king tool" qwk ln2. I would love to know
You seem to have all the answers so figure it out on your own... BTW, just a heads up, if you expect help from anybody with knowledge you may want to fill out your profile. Another pointer, stop being a know-it-all douchbag. You are a tool, probably always have been, and until you can stop being one, don't expect any help from me.

P&P Tuning
420.5whp / 359.8wtq
Alright. I got it new but not with instructions. Where does my line off the I'm go and the line with the boost controller, the last one I had was ebay
running rich? turn the boost up
In all this time, you could have just told them what year/model/engine/tranny car you have, and what all you have done to it.
Now you have pissed everyone off, by being a douchebag, and I wouldnt be surprised if nobody helps your bitch ass.
Heads up everyone we have a computer tough guy over here. Get a life borderlin3. Now does anyone wanna get there panties out of the vagina and help out?
running rich? turn the boost up
what mods, tuning, fuel system stock? What is the boost reading when this happens? Need more information. Your luckly I'm asking you these questions right now after you were a dumb ass!
FU Tuning
Yes I am. So thank you. Its got a aftermarket fuel pump. 42lb injectors. No other fuel mods. Reading 12lbs from a 42 trim turbo. Tuned on hptuners
running rich? turn the boost up
kevin roskosky wrote:Not really sure why you would need any info. Its a 2003 pontiac sunfire with a 42trim turbo on a hp tuners tune
Oh.... you're right. What's wrong is you have the boost set too low for the wastegate. You need to run at least 18-20psi. It might not stop doing it right away at first, but eventually it'll stop. Might need to hold your foot in it a bit a few times.
All this time, and even after making my original reply, I never even caught that the answer was so simple.
i find it amusing that SHOoff has nothing better to do but follow me around & be an unhelpful dick in even cross-forum. - Jon Mick
Oh really SHOoff. That's what I need to do? Thanks smartass. I'm not blowing my motor
running rich? turn the boost up
kevin roskosky AKA CockFAG wrote:I'm tired of everyone going against me when they see you say something because they want to be on your side since your like a god on this org, I don't understand how I'm being a tool or a know it all, I asked a question?
This is the PM the OP sent me... I have nothing to hide, so the PM is being posted and I will reply here...
To the OP, or CockFAG, or Kevin Roskosky (Whatever the hell you want to be called..) If you seriously need to ask me why you are being referred to as a "tool", read all your responses in all your threads... Stop with the attitude, show some respect, and maybe you will make it around here.... I have my doubts about it though....

P&P Tuning
420.5whp / 359.8wtq
I've shown respect to everyone that has taken me seriously if you want to look at all my threads its just the dumbasses that surf through threads and pick @!#$ apart to try to look like they know all their @!#$ instead of getting decent answers and responses
running rich? turn the boost up
okay i think your blinker fluid is low

has to be it

8 psi with m62 and IAT under 100
Just because you don't know what could cause it cody star, you don't have to be a smartass and just try to be on qwk ln2's side because he knows more than anyone of us
running rich? turn the boost up