Still researching this topic a bit more to decide whether i would like to get deeper into this but i was curious if ms threw any codes with the ecotec computer. I know that this is considered standalone for injection and ignition but im curious as to other components of hte car. Speedo, cel, etc..... what happens when i hook ms up and leave the stock computer to fend for itself without the inputs of sensors or injectors. Will an injector fault code come up or what. Im not so knowledgable on this topic so any information would be appreciated. Thanks Guys.
*2012 mazdaspeed3*
I was wondering the same. I guess if you are running Ford style injectors, and you already need to run different clips, you could leave the stock fuel injector harness intact, and jumper the injector clips with a resistor that matched the impedance of the stock injectors to fool the computer into thinking there is an injector in there. But that's just my theory, I don't know if anybody tried that yet.
What I did was double up on injectors, double up on the coolant sensor, shared the Crank sensor and each has their own MAP sensor so no problem there.
I installed in September and haven't had a code pop yet.
you need to watch out for it throwing codes cus you might get hit in your face...
I know it throws 4 incjector codes but the guy up there posted a way to get around it!
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
if you use the right resistors it won't throw any injector codes, and as long as it isn't running pig rich for long periods of time (as in: tuned properly), then it won't throw any codes at all.
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said
Scarab (Jersey Jay 1.8T) wrote:if you use the right resistors it won't throw any injector codes, and as long as it isn't running pig rich for long periods of time (as in: tuned properly), then it won't throw any codes at all.
it should because you are supposed to completely cut your injectors from the stock ecu for MS to properly adjust them...
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
thanks guys
*2012 mazdaspeed3*
QBE (73H 800573D 0N3) wrote:Scarab (Jersey Jay 1.8T) wrote:if you use the right resistors it won't throw any injector codes, and as long as it isn't running pig rich for long periods of time (as in: tuned properly), then it won't throw any codes at all.
it should because you are supposed to completely cut your injectors from the stock ecu for MS to properly adjust them...
The resistors get put in in place of where the stock injectors would have been plugged in, so the stock injection is completely disconnected.... then jumped with resistos.
I'm using 1/2 watt 100ohm resistors in mine. Been running like that for about 6 months and no problems at all. Only codes I get are fuel system trim lean & fuel system trim rich but there both because of the way i have it tuned.
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Only codes I get are fuel system trim lean & fuel system trim rich but there both because of the way i have it tuned.
Im guessing thats your secondary 02 thrwing the codes
boobs now with Riboflabin"
no there becasue of the primary.... I have my car tuned so that under light loads it runs an AFR of around 15.0-15.3 to 1 for better fuel economy. But i can also see as much as 5-6lbs of boost with only like 65-70% throttle depending on how I'm driving and when theres that much boost present I have my afr down around 12.4 to 1
So.... there's pretty much never a time where the car is running where it would need to be in order to keep the stock ecu happy. For the stocker to be happy it needs to see what it calls crosscounts. These are transitions from rich to lean that the narrowband oicks up. Like when you hook up a cheapo narrowband gauge and you watch it sweep. Every sweep is 1 crosscount and that's how the ECU knows your running around in at about 14.7 ANYWAY.... I could probably tune the car to get rid of thoes lights, but then I'd most likely end up getting a little less gas mileage, and with gas at 2.39 a gallon every bit helps.
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OK, wow, so my idea will work, cool.
Nitro wrote:OK, wow, so my idea will work, cool.
I've been doing this since my first initial post on the MS over 2 years ago.
That doesn't take away the fact that I thought of it on my own though, Exidium. Just because you thought of it first only means that you encountered that problem before I did lol.
Ok so with all these people with the megasquirt, does anyone have any fuel maps or tuning info for the ecotec?
Jcavi wrote:Robbie c wrote:Quote:
you need to watch out for it throwing codes cus you might get hit in your face...
I don't get it.
Some times the best way to get that tailgater off your but is to light a fart.
oh! now I do, lol
Some times the best way to get that tailgater off your but is to light a fart.
guy guy guys! dont just put any old resistor from the SHACK in there. get a resistance reading gadget and measure the ohms for your specific injector type. that will tell you the injector you need to use. also get o2 sims for your sensors.
Sven you totally quarterloafed your computer..